h ttps :// brainly. com /question /31858505

What is the are of the figure in the image above?

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ht tp s://imgu r. com /a/Q bPuyU8

Without the spaces

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- Original link: `https://imgur.com/a/QbPuyU8`
- Link with underscores: `https://imgur.com/a/QbPuyU8`
- Link with no spaces: `https://imgur.com/a/QbPuyU8`

Please note that the link should be a direct link to the image, not to an album.

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I am sorry for the inconvenience. As an AI language model, I am not able to access external websites, images, or links. Without the image, I won't be able to answer the question accurately. Please provide a description of the figure, including its shape and dimensions, so I can try to help you solve the problem.

For this link: Original link: imgur. com/a/QbPuyU8

you have three parts:
a triangle with base=6, height=3 ==> area = 9
a trapezoid with bases 6 and 4, height=5 ==> area = 25
a triangle with base=8, height=6 ==> area = 24
So just add them up.

Thank you for providing the description of the figure. Based on the dimensions you've provided, the figure consists of three parts: a triangle with base=6, height=3 (area = 9), a trapezoid with bases 6 and 4, height=5 (area = 25), and a triangle with base=8, height=6 (area = 24).

To find the total area of the figure, you simply add the areas of the three parts:

Total area = 9 + 25 + 24 = 58 square units

Therefore, the are of the figure in the image above is 58 square units.