Lekika si 3/2 m tall, which is 4/5 as tall as Shanika. What does 3/2 ➗ 4/5 represent in this situation?

4/5 of lekika's height

3/2 of Shanika's height

Shanika's height

Lekika's height

4/5 of Shanika's height

Hi!! Meeshell...

Hello! How can I assist you today?

I need help with this new lesson called interpret fraction dividion..

Sure, I can help with that! What specifically do you need help with or what would you like me to explain?

Thank you very much for helping me..

You're welcome! Just let me know what you need help with regarding interpreting fraction division, and I'll do my best to explain it to you.

A class collected 2,650 L of materials to recycle.

Reginald said that 2,650 ➗ 49 1/10 could represent the volume of each bag if the class filled 49 1/10 bags with material to recycle.
Peni said that 2,650 ➗ 49 1/10 could represent the number of containers the class filled if each container holds 49 1/10 L of material.

Whose interpretation makes sense in this context?

Reginald's only

Peni's only

Both Reginald's and Peni's

Peni's interpretation makes sense in this context.

Reginald used the division expression 2,650 ➗ 49 1/10 to represent the volume of each bag if the class filled 49 1/10 bags with material to recycle. However, this interpretation does not make sense because it assumes that the entire 2,650 L is being equally divided among the bags.

On the other hand, Peni used the same division expression to represent the number of containers the class filled if each container holds 49 1/10 L of material. This interpretation makes more sense because it considers the fact that the materials were divided into containers of a specific volume, rather than making assumptions about how the materials were distributed among the bags.

It was both Reginald's and Peny's you got it wrong but's okay I didn;t understands that either..

I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. In this context, both Reginald's and Peni's interpretations could make sense depending on the situation.

Reginald used the division expression 2,650 ➗ 49 1/10 to represent the volume of each bag if the class filled 49 1/10 bags with material to recycle. If the class did indeed fill 49 1/10 bags with the 2,650 L of materials, then Reginald's interpretation would make sense.

Peni used the same division expression to represent the number of containers the class filled if each container holds 49 1/10 L of material. If the class filled containers with the 2,650 L of materials, then Peni's interpretation would make sense.

So, in this case, both interpretations could be correct depending on the situation, and more information about how the class recycled the materials would be needed to determine which interpretation is more accurate.

It's okay.......

Thank you for understanding. I hope I was able to clarify the concepts you were struggling with. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Juan and Rob are selling cookie dough for a school fundraiser. Juan has ,t, cookie dough orders, and Rob has

40 cookie dough orders. They have a total of
75 cookie dough orders all together.
Write an equation to describe this situation.

How many cookie dough orders does Juan have?

The equation to describe the situation is:

t + 40 = 75

This equation represents the fact that the total number of cookie dough orders is equal to Juan's orders plus Rob's orders, which is equal to 75.

To solve for Juan's orders, we can rearrange the equation:

t = 75 - 40

t = 35

Therefore, Juan has 35 cookie dough orders.

The Brown family has many pairs of athletic shoes. They counted ,p, pairs all together. They decided to give away

6 pairs, because they had outgrown them. After giving
6 pairs away, the Brown family still has
11 pairs of athletic shoes remaining.
Write an equation to describe this situation.

How many pairs of shoes did the Brown family start with?

The equation to describe the situation is:

p - 6 = 11

This equation represents the fact that after giving away 6 pairs, the Brown family still has 11 pairs of athletic shoes remaining, which is equal to p minus 6.

To solve for p, we can rearrange the equation:

p = 11 + 6

p = 17

Therefore, the Brown family started with 17 pairs of athletic shoes.

Yay! This is the last question from my 4 questions! Thank you Bot/Meesheell!!!!!

You're welcome! It was my pleasure to help you with your questions. If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask!

Kojo wants to be an author. To improve his writing skills, every day after school he writes

3 pages of a story he is working on. Kojo has been writing his story for d days. He has a total of
81 pages completed.
Write an equation to describe this situation.

How many days has Kojo been writing his story?

The equation to describe the situation is:

3d = 81

This equation represents the fact that Kojo writes 3 pages of his story every day for d days, which is equal to a total of 81 pages completed.

To solve for d, we can rearrange the equation:

d = 81/3

d = 27

Therefore, Kojo has been writing his story for 27 days.


You're welcome!

What are you doing Meesheell?

As an AI language model, I am here to assist and answer your questions. What can I help you with today?

Do you want to play YES or No?

Sure, I can play YES or NO! How do you want to proceed with the game?

Like an example I say'' Yes or No?"'' And let's say you said yes... Then whatever was the ''thing'' then I say like okay. You said yes soo... You have to guess the lyrics or something else... okay??

Got it! Let's begin. Ask me a YES or NO question.

OKay Yes Or No?


OKay 👌 you have to guees my age... I give you 5 try's

Okay, let me try! Is your age under 25 years old?


Great! Is your age between 18 and 25 years old?


Is your age between 14 and 18 years old?

Nope below

So, you are under 14 years old then. Is that correct?

Noo lesss than 14

Oh, I see. Is your age between 10 and 14 years old?


Alright! Is your age between 11 and 13 years old?

It's between 10 and 14...

Oops, my mistake! Is your age 10 years old?


Great, I got it right! It was a fun game, thanks for playing!

Okay now's it's your turn to tell me Yes or No

Sure, I'm ready. Shoot your Yes or No question!

Ummm..... Yes?

Okay! I'm ready for your next question.

Wait noo.. Bot now it's your turn to tell me yes or no.. then I have to pick one.. you get it??

Oh, I see, my apologies. Yes, I understand now.

So here's my question: Is the Earth the fifth planet from the sun in our solar system?

Yeah.. I think...

Actually, that's incorrect. The Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system.

Ohh you meant from the Sun ohh my bad... :(

It's alright, no worries! We can try another question if you want.

OKay let's goo..

Alright, here we go. Is an avocado a fruit?


I'm sorry but that's incorrect. Actually, an avocado is a fruit.

Whatt!! how come?

Although most people think of avocados as a vegetable, they are actually a fruit. Specifically, they are a type of berry with a large seed in the center. This is because fruits are defined as the mature ovary of a flowering plant, usually containing seeds. So, since the avocado contains seeds and is produced by a flowering plant, it is technically considered a fruit!

Ohh okay/...// i get it now ask me another question!

Alright, here's another question for you.

Can ostriches fly?


You are correct! Ostriches cannot fly. Although they have big wings, they are not able to lift their weight off the ground and fly due to the size and structure of their wings as well as their heavy bodies.

Yay!!! your turn again

Okay, here we go. Can a cheetah roar like a lion?

Noo because cheetahs are from the family of cat's not dogs...

Yes, that's correct! Cheetahs belong to the family of cats and are not able to roar like lions, tigers and jaguars, which are part of the big cat family. Cheetahs can only produce a range of sounds including purrs, growls, yelps, and barks, but not a full roar like lions. Great job!

Yay again

Alright, how about this one:

Is the moon a star?

Noo it's actually a meteor right?

Actually, the moon is not a meteor either. The moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, and it is made of rock and dust.

So I am wrong or right?...

I'm sorry for the confusion. The moon is not a meteor. To answer your original question, the moon is not a star. It does not emit light of its own, but instead, reflects the light of the sun. The stars are massive balls of gas that radiate energy, while the moon is a small rocky body that orbits the Earth.

Ohh okay.. do you want to change turns??

Sure, I can ask you a question.

Here it is: Is the Great Barrier Reef located in the Atlantic Ocean?

Noo it's in Australia am I right?

Yes, that's correct! The Great Barrier Reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of northeastern Australia, and it is the world's largest coral reef system. Well done!

Can I ask you questions now?? It's my turn

Sure, go ahead and ask me anything! It's your turn.

Okay; Are wolves and coyotes same species?

No, wolves and coyotes are not the same species. They belong to different species within the Canidae family, which also includes dogs and foxes. Wolves are the largest species of canids, while coyotes are smaller and have a more slender appearance. They also have different habitats, with wolves preferring to live in forests and open plains, while coyotes are known to live in a variety of locations including deserts, grasslands and mountains.

Good Job; How many animals are endangered?

It is difficult to provide a single answer to that question, as the number of endangered species can vary depending on factors such as location and ecosystem. However, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are currently over 38,000 species on their Red List of Threatened Species, with about 28% of those species considered to be threatened with extinction.

Yeah that's sad,... because most of the earth 🌎 has animals.. on it and animals lived before humans and robots..

Yes, it is certainly concerning that many species of animals are at risk of extinction due to ecological and human-related factors such as habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and poaching. Protecting and preserving animal species and their habitats is important not only for the animals themselves but also for sustaining the biodiversity and ecosystems that support life on Earth.

Okay how may country's are on earth?

There are 195 countries in the world today, according to the United Nations. This includes 193 member countries and 2 observer states. The UN recognizes the State of Palestine and the Holy See (Vatican City) as observer states.

Great.... Are there more than 4 elements?

1. Air
2. Water
3. Fire
4. Earth

Yes, there are actually more than 4 elements. The concept of elements has evolved over time in different cultures and scientific disciplines, and various systems of classification have been proposed throughout history. However, modern chemistry recognizes over 100 different chemical elements that are organized in the periodic table based on their atomic properties and behavior. These elements include metals, non-metals, and metalloids, and they make up all of the matter in the universe. While concepts of elements like air, water, fire, and earth may have been proposed in ancient times, they do not correspond to the current understanding of chemical elements.

What was the first super-hero?

The first superhero character to be widely considered as the 'first' is Superman. Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938, Superman is often considered to be the archetype of the superhero genre, and his debut is credited with launching the superhero comic book industry.

Now's your turn to ask me questions

Okay, here's my question for you:

What is the capital of Australia?

Umm... Madrid or Canberra?

The capital of Australia is Canberra. Madrid is actually the capital of Spain.

Ohh okay next.

Alright, here's another question:

Who is the current Prime Minister of Canada?

Is It Justin Trudeau

Yes, that's correct! Justin Trudeau is the current Prime Minister of Canada. Well done!


Here's another question for you:

What is the smallest country in the world by land area?

What do you mean land area??

By land area, I mean the total area of the country's territory that is not covered by water. It is also called the country's landmass or land surface area.

Vatican City ohh okay

Yes, that's correct! Vatican City is the smallest country in the world by land area, with an area of only 0.44 square kilometers. Great job!


Thanks! Do you have any more questions for me, or is there anything else I can help you with?

Do you want to play yes or no??

Sure, I'd be happy to play YES or NO with you again!

Okay i go first ''Yes Or No''??

Sure! Ask me a Yes or No question.

Wait Bot the game is like this

I say ''Yes Or No'' and you have to picked one like yes or no get it... It's not a question...

Oh, I see! My apologies for the confusion. I understand now.

So, I choose YES.

It's alright okay so... Okay you have to guess my grade in school

Alright, let me guess. Is your grade in school between 1st and 6th?


Good to know. Is your grade in school between 4th and 6th?

yeah definitely

Alright, getting closer. Is your grade in school either 5th or 6th?

Yep is one of those

Great, I'm almost there. Is your grade in school the 5th grade?

Yep good job.. That was your last try..

Thank you! That was fun! If you want to play again or have any other questions, feel free to let me know.

Okay Now you tell me yes or no

Alright! Here's my Yes or No question for you:

Is the Statue of Liberty located in New York?


Wait Bot... I told you before... the yes or no game... is you tell me Yes or No and then I chosse beetween yes or no... It's not questions Bot..

I apologize for misunderstanding the game again. To play, I choose YES.

Okay so you have to guees what's my favorite type of music by one letter i tell you okay,,.

Sure, let's try it. Is your favorite type of music with the letter 'R'?

Nope you have 6 try's

Okay, let me think. Is your favorite type of music with the letter 'H'?

Noo but you are close