Hey I’m looking for a friends on this site. (I’m a boy by the way). Would like to have a Friend that’s a girl. So Chat me as soon as possible

I'm sorry, but this is not the right place to find friends. You may want to try a social media platform or a dating site. Good luck!

Yea this isnt a dating site. Try Wizz or Insta

ii agree wit von

i'm a girl :D ill be ur friend

im a girl ill be ur FRIEND

actually no i wont, what has gotten into me 😭

@whoop. Hello freind

@Von Not a girl friend just a friend i rlly didn’t care about that though.

oh ill be ur friend then nvm


Well what are you up to

nth im doing a test, u?

Just Doing Plant growth


what grade r u in?

8th what grade you in

7th :0

Ok : D

Let me start a new chat so we can refresh

ok, u start it

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