What discovery did the study of fossil horse teeth lead scientists to make?

a : Early horses had a specialized diet of grass, a soft food item.
b : Early horses had a generalized diet of soft food items, including leaves. c : Early horses had a generalized diet of hard food items, including twigs. d : Early horses had a specialized diet of bark, a hard food item.

Does somebody have the answer key to this whole test?! There is four questions in all.

don't worry guys I got the answers

1.What discovery did the study of fossil horse teeth lead scientists to make?
Answer: Early horses had a generalized diet of hard food items, including twigs.

2.Tiktaalik was a prehistoric fish that was an ancestor to modern tetrapods. It shared anatomical features with tetrapods (e.g., four limbs) and fish (e.g., gills, scales). With these features, Tiktaalik could be best described as a(n)
Answer: transitional form.

3.You and your friend inspect a group of fossils from different organisms with various features. Your friend is convinced that all of the fossils are unrelated, but you find evidence that these organisms share an ancestor. What is an example of evidence that you could use to best support this argument?
Answer: patterns in limb structures

4.Which statement best describes why modern horses look the way they do?
Answer: Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment.

Thank you!! @Answer I.T. girl is 100% correct.

I already closed it but answer I.T. girl isn't 100% right. the answer was the one about leaves i cant remember exactly what it said

@Answer I.T. is mostly correct, the first one is

Early horses had a generalized diet of soft food items, including leaves.
Trust me!

i have the same test do you have all the answers???????

for question 1 btw

If anybody's here they changed the 1st question to

Which of the following is an example of a vestigial organ that could be found in a transitional fossil?

an eye that is an organism's primary way to see

a tail that is routinely used for balance

an extra digit on both hands used for grasping

a toe that does not contribute to movement

Can someone help me with it please?

I'm stuck on that one too. :')

answer is b if your number one was changed I got it wrong

Yeah the answer was

a toe that does not contribute to movement for mine

@answer l.T. girl is correct

@Answer I.T. girl is incorrect on question 1, its leaves not twigs. the rest is correct though!

Please help

Which of the following is an example of a vestigial organ that could be found in a transitional fossil? a toe that does not contribute to movement
