A South Asian female astronaut floating weightlessly amid a cosmic backdrop of galaxies and nebulae, engaged in deep thought as she evaluates which planet might exert the greatest gravitational pull. Her eyes gazing at a variety of planets that spread before her in the vast expanse of space, each with distinct colors, sizes, and terrain. She holds a holographic device projecting images of multiple planets, aiding her in her contemplation.

Planet Estimated Mass of Planet (1023 kg)

W 6.4
X 3.3
Y 59.7
Z 48.7
On which planet would an object weigh the most?

(1 point)

on planet Z

on planet W

on planet Y

on planet X

1. planet y

2. Mass is the same everywhere. Weight depends on the force of gravity.
3.The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.
4.The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth.

1. On planet Y

2. Mass is the same everywhere. Weight depends on the force of gravity.
3. The pull between objects with mass.
4. If the mass of one object increases while the mass of the other object remains the same, then the gravitational attraction increases.

obito is 100% right for Conexus students

@Obito is 100% correct!!

The one with the greatest mass.

Thx obito lol 💯

@obito & @Planet Mars, are correct!! 4/4! (answers below)

1. planet Y
2. Mass is the same everywhere. Weight depends on the force of gravity.
3. The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.
4. The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth.

Thanks obito :) u the best.

thank you

Alli lovely is correct if you have those specific answers

Here's the baba •^• •^• •^• zuzu!!

I checked this almost a year later and you guys are doing great! Well done.

Obito is right 100%

I needed this to check my work and it was right thank you! <3

1. On planet Y

2. Mass is the same everywhere. Weight depends on the force of gravity.
3.The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.
4.The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth

thank alii, they r right

thx @obito 100%

@obito you're a life saver! 100% true

obito is 100 percent correct for the Gravitational force quick check on connexus

@Obito is 100% correct tysm!

And no, I did not say that because I am a Naruto Shippuden fan.

If they were all the same radius the one with the biggest mass would win.

However what matters is M / R^2
Because as you get further from the center the local acceleration of gravity goes down.

@a furry

i support u as a furry!

answered by •^• •^• •^• zuzu!! wrong Answers are

there wrong mying are right
so trust me kiddo's :)