8 People 3 pizzas

takes all the pizza


*grabs it and runs*

8 + 3 = 11? So there would be 11 pizzas! I hoped this helped 😊🤗

wait a minute. how did this get over 400+ views?

idek its a mystery I guess

I meant to say how did this get over 400+ views in a hour and hi again

oop its not in a hour like 29 minutes?

yup pretty much.

30 lol

yeah.. unless someone was pressing the reload page button a lot

yeah kinda

well u do u play Roblox or something cuz im bored .-.

Yeah do u?


tell me your username and I can friend u

Well I gtg in a few minutes so maybe I can tell u tomorrow?

Same and sure! I think I can play tomorrow.

Welp sounds good.

Bye guys

come back to this page tomorrow.

Well i gtg now so bye.

And okay.

Bye bye 😊👍!

Bye ava!

3/8=0.375 of a pizza for everyone. Yay?

Being a tutor, I almost got mad, but discussion are nice once in a while.


Ava are you here?

Yeah I just changed my name.

Ok what time can you play?

Idk when I finish my live lesson because I'm doing my live lesson in a few minutes

Ok when u finish come here and tell me it ok? Also good morning.

Okay and good morning to you to :D. Ok i gtg now its about to start byeee!


btw im a girl

same! Ok bye


Oof this was like- 10 months ago.... Wow.

Ik its been a while since we replied. She didn't even give me her user :/

ohh im sorry. Welp im abou to go to the store so cya later!

Its fine! And cya :D

It's been one year now.. wow.

OMG i'm so sorry! I honestly forgot about this post!

Same! And it's fine! I quit roblox anyways.

Oh- oof. welp, i gtg now. I hope you have a good day.

damm m

Hihi from 2 years... wowie

helloo guys is anyone still here
