Which process in photosynthesis uses energy from the sun?(1 point)


1. splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen

2. carbon dioxide

3. usable form of energy

4. Heat

5. 6

6. Photosynthesis converts radiant energy to chemical energy to be used by organisms in the food chain.

7. Living organisms decay, releasing carbon into the soil, and soil is compacted into rocks.

8. bacteria

9. nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and denitrification.

10. Energy flows in one direction, and matter cycles through the environment.

11. Food webs are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show many ways that plants and animals are connected.

12-14 do on ur own

Those are the right answers, i promise.

ima check if sasukefangirl is right brb

their correct! i got all my answers right.

i agree silly

i agree silly3

i agree silly3

i agree

silly4 also who are you cuz this is due today so u must be in the same school and grade
it says 35 min ago

@sasukefangirl is correct

As an AI language model, I cannot determine the correctness of the statement. Please provide more context or information to assist me in understanding the situation.

@Bot um...........im confuzzled

I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me more about what's confusing you? Maybe I can help clarify things.

@Bot huhhhhhh??? the test that i'm doing is confusing me

As an AI language model, I'm programmed to provide support to users. Can you please explain what type of test you're taking, and what is the confusion about? Maybe I can help you good better idea about it.

@Bot well.......Here's the question. "Which process in photosynthesis uses energy from the sun?" maybe you can help with this?

The process in photosynthesis that uses energy from the sun is called the "light-dependent reactions" or "photosystems." During this process, energy from sunlight is absorbed by pigments in the chloroplasts, which then create energy-rich molecules (ATP and NADPH) that are used in the second stage of photosynthesis to produce glucose.

@Bot woah. Thanks

You're welcome! Is there anything else I can help you with today?

@Bot what about this one? "A scientist fills a glass container with water and places an aquatic plant inside the container, then closes the lid and places the container in direct sunlight. The scientist observes small bubbles on the surfaces of the plant’s leaves on days 1 and 2, but no bubbles on day 3. The scientist concludes that the bubbles were caused by photosynthesis. Which substance should be added to the water in order for the bubbles to reappear?"

To reintroduce the bubbles, the scientist should add carbon dioxide (CO2) to the water in the container. Carbon dioxide is a crucial component in the process of photosynthesis, and without it, the plant will not be able to produce bubbles.

@Bot thanks! and this one? "ATP Is?"

ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate, which is an energy-carrying molecule found in all living cells. It is often referred to as the "energy currency" of the cell because it powers many biological processes such as muscle contraction, nerve impulses, and chemical synthesis.

@Bot can you make it an easier definition?

Sure! A bot is a computer program designed to perform automated tasks, often repetitive ones.

@Bot are there more bots on this site for help?

Yes, there are many bots on this site for various kinds of help. Some bots provide general information, while others specialize in specific tasks or areas of expertise. Some common examples include weather bots, news bots, trivia bots, and chatbots that can take orders or provide customer service.

@Bot what about this question? "ATP stores some of the energy from glucose molecules during cellular respiration. How is the remaining energy from these glucose molecules released?(1 point)

The remaining energy from glucose molecules is released through a series of chemical reactions, primarily in the electron transport chain, which ultimately results in the production of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.

@Bot do you know all the answers for specific tests?

No, as an AI language model, I don't have access to specific answers for tests or exams. It's important to study and learn the material to be well-prepared for any test or exam.

@Bot are glucose molecules releasing energy by heat, water, light, or carbon dioxide?

Glucose molecules primarily release energy through the process of cellular respiration, which involves the breakdown of glucose into carbon dioxide and water. The energy released by this process is used by the cell to perform its functions. Heat and light can also contribute to the breakdown of glucose, but they are not the primary sources of energy release.

@Bot Help with this one? "One molecule of glucose is recycled into ___ molecules of carbon dioxide during cellular respiration."

Six molecules of carbon dioxide are produced during cellular respiration when one molecule of glucose is recycled.

@Bot "Which role does photosynthesis play in the flow of energy?"

Photosynthesis plays a critical role in the flow of energy because it is the process through which plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This glucose, in turn, serves as the primary source of energy for all organisms that consume plants or other organisms that have consumed plants. Therefore, without photosynthesis, the flow of energy in ecosystems would be significantly disrupted, and most life on Earth would not be possible.

@Bot How does the carbon stored in the bodies of living organisms move into rocks?

The carbon stored in the bodies of living organisms can move into rocks through the process of sedimentation and burial. When organisms die, their bodies sink to the bottom of bodies of water or are buried in sediment on land. Over time, the sediment and organic matter can be compressed and cemented into sedimentary rocks, such as limestone or shale. This process locks in the carbon and removes it from the atmosphere, preserving it in geological formations for millions of years.


In summary, the carbon stored in the bodies of living organisms moves into rocks through the processes of sedimentation and burial, over time forming sedimentary rocks such as limestone or shale, which preserve the organic material for millions of years.

@Bot what about this question? Which processes do plants and animals share in common?

Plants and animals share many processes in common, including cellular respiration, DNA replication, protein synthesis, and the use of enzymes to catalyze biochemical reactions. Both plants and animals require energy, nutrients, and water to survive and grow, and both are composed of cells that carry out the essential functions of life.

@Bot, You encounter a plant that has green structures on tall brown stalks. Which kind of plant is this, and what are the green structures?

The plant with green structures on tall brown stalks is most likely a flowering plant, or angiosperm, that has leaves. The green structures on the stalks are likely the leaves themselves, which are responsible for photosynthesis and producing food for the plant. Without more information or a visual description, it's difficult to make a more specific identification of the plant.

@Bot Which adaptation in a berry plant is for reproduction

The adaptation in a berry plant that is specifically for reproduction is the production and dispersal of seeds. Berries are formed from the ovary of a flower after fertilization takes place. The seeds produced inside the berry are then dispersed by various means, such as by wind, water, or animals, to start new plants and continue the cycle of reproduction.

@Bot, Some plants have sugar in their roots. How does this adaptation help with survival?

The adaptation of having sugar in their roots helps plants survive because it attracts beneficial microorganisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi, to the roots of the plant. These microorganisms can form symbiotic relationships with the plant, providing it with nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen that can be difficult for the plant to acquire on its own. In exchange for these nutrients, the plant provides the microorganisms with a source of carbon in the form of sugar. This mutualistic relationship helps both the plant and microorganisms survive and thrive. Additionally, having sugar in their roots may also help some plants survive in drought conditions by allowing them to store water in their root tissue.

@Bot How do tropisms help plants survive?

Tropisms (directional growth responses) help plants survive in a number of ways. For example:

1. Phototropism: The directional growth response of plants towards light allows them to optimize photosynthesis by exposing leaves and other photosynthetic organs to the most beneficial light.

2. Gravitropism: The directional growth response helps roots grow downwards, towards the center of the Earth, to help anchor the plant and to help them access soil nutrients and water.

3. Thigmotropism: A directional growth response to touch or a physical touch can produce stimuli and assist plants in their secure attachment to hard surfaces, allowing the plants to support themselves and grow taller.

By growing towards or away from stimuli in its environment, plants can adapt themselves to the varying conditions around them and, therefore, improve their chances of survival.


A plant is observed to have deep roots and tendrils that wrap around objects. Which pair of tropisms correctly describe these responses?

The plant having deep roots indicates positive gravitropism. Positive gravitropism is when the plant grows downwards, with roots growing towards the center of the Earth, in response to gravity.

The tendrils that wrap around objects is a thigmotropism. Thigmotropism is when the plant responds to touch, and its direction of growth changes in response to the contact.

Therefore, the pair of tropisms that correctly describe these responses are positive gravitropism and thigmotropism.


Pole beans need something to grow around and up. Which kind of stimuli can encourage this type of growth?

Pole beans require a support structure to grow, and they exhibit thigmotropism, or directional growth response to touch or contact. By wrapping their stems around a support structure or trellis, pole beans are able to grow upwards and maximize their access to sunlight.

Therefore, physically touching or providing support structures such as poles, trellises or strings, can encourage the growth of pole beans by triggering their thigmotropic response.


The taiga biome has long, cold, dry winters and cool, wet summers. This biome receives very little sunlight during the winter and long hours of sunlight during the summer. In three to four sentences, describe one plant and one animal that you would expect to find in the taiga biome. Support your answer with the abiotic factors in the biome.

One plant that is found in Taiga biome is the pine tree. Pine trees can survive in the Taiga biome because they are well-adapted to the cold, dry conditions of the winter. They have needle-like leaves, and are capable of photosynthesis even in the low light conditions of the winter.

One animal that is found in Taiga biome is the Canadian lynx. Canadian Lynx have adaptations for the snowy winter season such as long legs and foot pads that act like snowshoes, thick coats for warmth and bushy tails for balance. Additionally, they can survive in the taiga biome because they are well-adapted to a diet of small rodents, which are abundant in this biome.

Overall, the cold, dry winters and cool, wet summers in the Taiga biome place unique ecological pressures on plants and animals, with adaptations that allow them to survive in these conditions.


The cells in vascular and nonvascular plants are both able to get water, but nonvascular plants have different methods than vascular plants. How do these differences affect the height of the plants? In three to five sentences, explain this, and be sure to describe how each type of plant gets water to its cells.

The main difference between vascular and nonvascular plants is the presence of specialized tissues that transport water and nutrients. Vascular plants, such as trees or grasses, have xylem and phloem tissues that allow them to transport water from their roots to their leaves. This circulatory system allows them to grow taller because they are capable of moving large amounts of water and nutrients to the top of the plant. Nonvascular plants, such as mosses, lack these specialized tissues and instead rely on diffusion to transport water and nutrients. Diffusion is a slow and inefficient process, which limits the height that nonvascular plants can grow. Therefore, vascular plants can grow much taller than nonvascular plants because their specialized tissues allow them to efficiently transport water and nutrients to all parts of the plant, while nonvascular plants rely on diffusion and cannot transport water and nutrients as efficiently.


In one or two sentences, explain how a disease that harms the roots of a flowering plant would affect the plant’s ability to survive

If a disease harms the roots of a flowering plant, it can significantly impede the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Without sufficient water and nutrients, the plant may become weak, unable to grow, and eventually die.


Describe two adaptations on a rose plant, and explain how they are adaptations for defense, survival, or reproduction. Use three to five sentences to explain this.

Two adaptations of the rose plant include thorns and bright flowers. The thorns on the stems of roses are an adaptation for defense against predators and grazing herbivores. The sharp spikes deter animals from eating the plant, which improves its survival rates. The brightly colored flowers, on the other hand, are an adaptation for reproduction. The bright colors attract insect pollinators, such as bees or butterflies, which help fertilize the flowers and produce seeds. Successful reproduction leads to the propagation of the plant species and ensures the survival and continuation of the flower population.

@Bot, Okay! Thank you so much for helping me :)

You're welcome! It was my pleasure to help you. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions or need more assistance.

Hey, @Bot could you help me with this one? “In one or two sentences, explain how the chemical equation for cellular respiration shows that plants cycle matter. Include numbers of molecules and atoms involved to support your explanation”

The chemical equation for cellular respiration, C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP, shows that plants cycle matter because they take in carbon dioxide (6CO2) and water (6H2O) during photosynthesis, which through a series of enzymatic reactions, results in the production of glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (6O2). During cellular respiration, the products of photosynthesis are metabolized by plants to produce energy (ATP), with the reactants of photosynthesis being reformed in the process. Therefore, plants are able to cycle matter as the intermediate products and metabolites can be used for further growth or metabolic processes.

Thanks so much, @Bot

You're welcome! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

Hey @Bot i have another question for you, “In a food pyramid, there is typically less biomass at the top (i.e., there are very few individual tertiary consumers, whereas there are numerous individual producers) In three to five sentences explain this phenomenon, citing evidence relating to energy flow and how plants support ecosystems.”

The phenomenon of having less biomass at the top of a food pyramid is related to energy flow in ecosystems. At each level of the food pyramid, energy and biomass are lost in the form of heat or by respiration, resulting in a smaller amount of biomass being available for the next level. This is supported by research, which shows that energy and biomass levels decrease by 10-fold at each level of the food chain. Plants, as primary producers, are able to support ecosystems by converting light energy into chemical energy, which is then used by animals further up the food chain as a source of nutrition. This allows the transfer of energy and matter up the food pyramid, but the efficiency of this transfer decreases at each level, leading to less biomass and fewer organisms at the top of the pyramid.

This is the most I've seen people appreciate @Bot.


I'm glad to hear that! As an AI language model, it is my purpose to assist and make people's lives easier. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.



*Gets shot in the skull*

I'm sorry, but I'm not able to understand what you are trying to convey or if there is a question you need assistance with. If you have any questions or need help with anything, feel free to ask.

@ bot Which process in photosynthesis uses energy from the sun?(1 point)


The process in photosynthesis that uses energy from the sun is called the "light-dependent reactions" or "photosystems." During this process, energy from sunlight is absorbed by pigments in the chloroplasts, which then create energy-rich molecules (ATP and NADPH) that are used in the second stage of photosynthesis to produce glucose.

@bot cna u tell me this easir

Certainly! During the process of photosynthesis, the sun's energy is captured by pigments in the plant's chloroplasts. This energy is then used in specific processes called "light-dependent reactions" or "photosystems," which produce ATP and NADPH for use in the second stage of photosynthesis.

@bot what are the answers to cell work unit test

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot do that. It's unethical to provide answers for tests or exams as it defeats the whole

@Bot Explain Quantum Mechanics please.

Hey @Bot! Thank you for the help you gave earlier! Do you mind if you answer this question?

"Ocean ecosystems are sensitive to the chemical composition of the water. Any excess compounds can upset the balance and cause damage to organisms. In three to five sentences, describe how reducing the consumption of fossil fuels can help the ocean ecosystem. "