An illustrative image that conveys the importance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, showing citizens from various backgrounds participating in a democratic activity: voting. The image should depict a diverse collection of people, such as a middle-aged Caucasian woman, a young Black man, an elderly South Asian man, and a Hispanic woman in her 30s, all casting their votes. Also, illustrate a balanced scale symbolizing equal voting power and a shield representing the protections of the Bill of Rights, but without any written text.

Why was the Voting Rights Act of 1965 necessary? Select the two correct answers.

A. Each citizen must be ruled by the same laws.
B. Each citizen must be able to participate in government.
C. Each citizen must have the protections of the Bill of Rights.
D. Each citizen must have equal voting power in federal elections.
E. Each citizen must complete a test or pay a tax to be registered to vote.
I think the 2 answers are C and B

Or B and D

I figured it out

Good for you! It's always best when you can find your own answers!!


what is the answer?

I got a 100 answers are-


Connexus answers is right 100%

connexus answers is correct

he wrong Connexus Answers are wrong

Whats the answer then🤨🤔

Be careful of these lists of answers without explanations. Sometimes kids deliberately post wrong answers. Sometimes teachers and/or test publishers mix the questions and answer choices up. Sometimes they change them completely!

Be aware!



are right answers

its a,b




following Look* bye (2021) the future is are

@renaidonyoutube and @bxby don’t try and confuse us pls😇

Thank you connexus Answers. Don't listen to the other people they are wrong

Thank you @Look

Connects answer is right thx so much 😊

Connexus answers is right thax

Guys, they won't change the answers for anything that isn't ELA or science. If you're going to post answers on those categories, DO NOT PUT THE LETTERS. YOU MAY FAIL PEOPLE. The recent update made it so every time you start it up again, let's say you opened a quick check. Closeout of it. Open it again. THE ANSWERS ARE DIFFERENT. DO NOT PUT LETTERS.

I total agree with this guy above me.

I agree with anonymous and help

Hello instead of putting letters could y’all put the sentence answers to make this less confusing?

ya same to the guy/girl/person above me

1.Each citizen must be able to participate in government

Each citizen must have equal voting power in federal elections.
2.individual rights
3.refusal of the government to protect Asian Americans from their employers

Anonymous is correct USE HIS ANSWERS

Connexus Answers was right

God loves you all. He is coming back soon and the rapture is going to come. Give your life to Christ and if you egt left on the rapture. DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST. THEN AFTER YOU DIE, HELL IS GOING TO BE FOR ETERNITY

Amen jesus loves ypu


i'm a christian

Hello @Hi