Which sentence uses the past form of an irregular verb?

A. My friend is keeping a journal.
B. Adam has seen that show twice.
C. Elsa gave me this book.
D. We listened to the weather report.

And you think it's … ?

If you're not sure, go here — http://www.chompchomp.com/terms.htm — and scroll down to Verb. Read carefully to learn the difference between regular and irregular verbs, as well as the different tenses.

I think its A

PAST tense form?


Acually B

It could be either B or C unless your teacher is truly picky.

Technically, B has a past perfect verb form of "see" and C has the simple past form of "give."

so B or C

Which one is better

Reread the question. It asks for "the past form" — so which one is simply "the past form"?

wow thanks for the help

Yes, C.

Thanks for the help :)

You're welcome!

heh, writeacher finally shows us the good side of jiskha teachers. people need to stop picking on you guys, for all you do to help us.