f 210 people said football was their favorite sport to watch, how many people were surveyed? Football is labeled on the circle graph as 42%.

0.42x = 210

Solve for x.

is the answer b

What is it then

x is 500 the math checks out to 0.42 x 500 = 210.

i stuck how we do it

help plz

What is the answer

I am confused



what are the answers



๐Ÿœ-(-โ€ฟ- ) Ramen anyone?


so what we do is we take 42and trun it to a deimalei then it now 0.42 then we have th find x so what you should do is is dived 210 bived by 0.42 then you get the answer and you put it like this x is eiled to 500 becaues if you take 0.42 nfr 210 you get 500 then you can times to check

sometimes its just fun to watch what people say


i need help yall



210 divided by 42 = x

how about that? hmm? can you get this through your heads? HMMM?

Burrito Bison is the one who is saying nonsense, not the teacher, (duh to the idiots). BUT WAIT if any of you think it was the teacher who's NOT helping you, than WOW YOU NEED TO DO MORE MATH, because she helped me ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ .

max level

I was mad, but now I'm not.

The answer is 500 it easy (kinda) just get all of the number in the graph and muitplay by 5

so it 500?

the answer is 500 u idiots

You dont get the credit you deserve, afterall this is a help website, not a cheating website

can yall put the answers please

you guys cant cheat if im also cheating

todos necesitan poner las respuestas para estos tontos ๐Ÿ˜ญ

lol its like birds fighting over a piece of garbage in these comments lmao.


Thx miss sue if you donโ€™t wonโ€™t Chesterโ€™s than why you on this website

you guys are stupid whoever came up with 500 as there answer is wrong the answer is 88.2


Wow @El cucuy said Everyone needs to put answers for these fools

The answer is 500 people were surveyed

We divide 210 by 0.42 and we get 500
We do the same to the rest of the percent to show your work

Now you add all the total numbers
210 + 165 + 125 = 500

100% itโ€™s right ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Thank you so much @Girlie!

Thx @Girlie

Girlie, your answer is the only answer which is clear and concise out of all the 40 comments. thank you


why yall so rude tho?

how u callin people idiots if ur on this website (only reason that you are on this website is if you searched up the question)

@enrttttv thats true

hahaha enrttttv is very true

since no one is giving answers,
urhelp has arrived:

500 people were surveyed

Given in the question,

42% voted football to be their favourite sport

33% voted baseball to be their favourite sport

25% voted soccer to be their favourite sport

Suppose the total number of people who were surveyed = x

if 42% of the total people surveyed = 210
then total = x
(42/100) * x = 210

42x = 210 * 100

42x = 21000

x = 21000/42

x = 500

So the total number of people who were surveyed = 500