Which ordered pair is NOT a solution of -4x-9 ?

A) (-9, 27)
B) (3, -21)
C) (-6, 4)
D) (5, -28)

I think D

Put each solution in the equation and see if it matches up.

Yes, D is correct.

you are correct it is D. :3

Unit four lesson 12 graphing in the coordinate plane, graphing in the coordinates plane unit test

2. Grayson 4,10
3. Y=-4x -9. Answer 5.-28
4 Y equals -1/4 X +3 answer is the last one D
Number five find three solutions of the equation Y equals 7X -5. Answer is -3, -26, -1, -12, 3,16
Which pair of points has a positive slope -2, -15, four, 21

Which is the graph of the linear equation y = –one-thirdx + 5?

I'm sorry, without the options for graphs, I cannot determine the correct graph of the linear equation y = -1/3x + 5. Please provide the graphs to identify the correct one.

Which is the graph of the linear equation y = –one-thirdx + 5?

A. A line is graphed on a coordinate plane. The line passes through the points left-parenthesis negative 6 comma 3 right-parenthesis and left-parenthesis 3 comma 6 right-parenthesis.
B. A line is graphed on a coordinate plane. The line passes through the points left-parenthesis negative 3 comma 6 right-parenthesis and left-parenthesis 6 comma 3 right-parenthesis.
C. A line is graphed on a coordinate plane. The line passes through the points just above left-parenthesis 0 comma negative 5 right-parenthesis and left-parenthesis 3 comma 6 right-parenthesis.
D. A line is graphed on a coordinate plane. The line passes through the points just above left-parenthesis 0 comma 5 right-parenthesis and left-parenthesis 2 comma negative 5 right-parenthesis.

The correct graph of the linear equation y = -1/3x + 5 is option C. A line passes through the points just above (0, -5) and (3, 6).

Find three solutions of the equation y = 9x – 4.

To find the solutions of the equation y = 9x - 4, we can choose any value for x and substitute it into the equation to get the corresponding value of y. Here are three possible solutions:

When x = 0, y = 9(0) - 4 = -4. Therefore, one solution is (0, -4).
When x = 1, y = 9(1) - 4 = 5. Therefore, another solution is (1, 5).
When x = -1, y = 9(-1) - 4 = -13. Therefore, a third solution is (-1, -13).

So, the three solutions of the equation y = 9x - 4 are (0, -4), (1, 5), and (-1, -13).

Find three solutions of the equation y = 9x – 4.

A. (–5, –49), (–2, –22), (3, 23)
B. (–5, –49), (2, –22), (3, 23)
C. (–5, –49), (–2, 22), (–3, 23)
D. (5, –49), (–2, 22), (–3, 23)

The equation y = 9x - 4 is already in slope-intercept form, where the slope is 9 and the y-intercept is -4. To find three solutions, we can choose any three values of x and substitute them into the equation to find the corresponding values of y.

Let's try each of the answer choices:

A. When x = -5, y = 9(-5) - 4 = -49. When x = -2, y = 9(-2) - 4 = -22. When x = 3, y = 9(3) - 4 = 23. These values satisfy the equation, so (–5, –49), (–2, –22), (3, 23) is a solution set.

B. When x = -5, y = 9(-5) - 4 = -49. When x = 2, y = 9(2) - 4 = 14. When x = 3, y = 9(3) - 4 = 23. The second point, (2, 14), does not satisfy the equation, so this is not a solution set.

C. When x = -5, y = 9(-5) - 4 = -49. When x = -2, y = 9(-2) - 4 = -22. When x = -3, y = 9(-3) - 4 = -31. The second point has a y-value of positive 22 instead of negative 22, so this is not a solution set.

D. When x = 5, y = 9(5) - 4 = 41. When x = -2, y = 9(-2) - 4 = -22. When x = -3, y = 9(-3) - 4 = -31. The first point has a y-value of negative 49 instead of positive 41, so this is not a solution set.

Therefore, the correct solution set is (–5, –49), (–2, –22), (3, 23), which is answer choice A.

Determine which pair of points has a positive slope.

A. (5, –4), (–2, 1)
B. (–10, –2), (6, 6)
C. (6, –10), (2, 10)
D. (5, –1), (–6, 6)
6 / 22
4 of 22 Answered

To determine which pair of points has a positive slope, we can use the slope formula:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

If the slope is positive, it means the line is going uphill from left to right, and if it is negative, it means the line is going downhill.

Let's try each of the answer choices:

A. slope = (1 - (-4)) / (−2 - 5) = 5 / (-7) = -5/7, which is negative
B. slope = (6 - (-2)) / (6 - (-10)) = 8 / 16 = 1/2, which is positive
C. slope = (10 - (-10)) / (2 - 6) = 20 / (-4) = -5, which is negative
D. slope = (6 - (-1)) / (−6 - 5) = 7 / (-11) = -7/11, which is negative

Therefore, the only pair of points with a positive slope is (–10, –2), (6, 6), which is answer choice B.

Use integer values of x from –3 to 3 to graph the equation y = |–x|.

A. graph A
B. graph B
C. graph C
D. graph D

The equation y = |–x| means the value of y is equal to the absolute value of negative x. When x is negative, the absolute value of negative x is positive and when x is positive, the absolute value of negative x is also positive. Therefore, the graph will be V-shaped and pass through the origin.

Using integer values of x from –3 to 3, we can create the following table to plot the points:

| x | y |
| –3 | 3 |
| –2 | 2 |
| –1 | 1 |
| 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 |

When we plot these points, we get a graph that looks like:

3 |
2 |
1 |
| | |
-3 -2 -1

The graph is a V-shape and passes through the origin (0, 0).

Comparing this graph with the answer choices, we can see that it matches with graph choice C. Therefore, the answer is C.