the energy role of the first organism in a food chain is always

babygirl the answer is producer. Ms. Sue is no help at all.

Well mr sue wants to make sure we dont cheat so we can have a life and work at burger king and how do u expect her to answer questions that she may have had years ago and when u dont even give her and choices ugg thank yuo Miss Sue

The fact people got angry as Ms. Sue for being unable to help, without Ms. Sue knowing anything is kinda rude.

i meant miss

okay first of 2021 yay answer's run off just took my test :)

its fill in the blank and there are a bunch of choses

NO IDIOT ITS NOT DECOMPOSER ITS PRODUCER. btw, Ms. Sue is never any help. This is supposed to give us the answers. Im mad at her

i put runoff

We'll be glad to check your answer.

What are your other choices?

its suppose to be decomposer right

Obviously I can't help you if you don't answer my question.