Which of the following is considered to be intellectual property?

a) pictures or images on the Internet

b) books**

c) computers

d) tennis shoes

The correct answers are


need all answers

I took the test and got 💯

zoel is 100% RIGHT I just took the quick check

A is correct

I'd say A as well.

Is my answer correct?

it's a. I did the test and a is correct:)

no it's wrong i think

Zoel is correct just took a quick check and got a 100

I need all answers

dang she right

I agree.

Sometimes we find pictures and books available online because they've either been shared openly from the beginning or are not copyrighted. They are or were someone's intellectual property, but they're now in the public domain for one reason or another.

YASSSSSS GIRL GO GIT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aight THX zoel

I got 5️⃣/5️⃣

Is this for the Lesson 10 on Internet Safety, or what??


Zoel has all correct answers. Thanks zoel I wanted to get my schoolwork done for the next day because I have no school today Bc if professional development day :)

I got 99% lol jk 💯 % YeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…

There should be more than one right answer for this question. Which other would you choose in addition to B?