The wood thrush is a bird species that lives in deciduous forests in North America. Wood thrushes nest in tall trees, forage for insects and snails in decaying leaf litter on the forest floor, and drink water from nearby freshwater sources. Identify one biotic factor and one abiotic factor critical to this species survival.

A. Biotic:Insects; abiotic:decaying leaf litter

B. Biotic:Tall trees; abiotic:snails

C. Biotic:Snails; abiotic:temperate climate

D. Biotic:Temperate climate; abiotic:water

please help! my answer is: A

srry im late its C


The answer's C

666 views on Halloween

A is not right.

thx a lot guy I really needed help on that! I also thought c for my first choice but it is good to double check

Im taking the test ill tell u the anzwers when im done :)

which one is it?

1. D

2. C
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. Producer
15. Abiotic
16. Nitrogen-Fixing
17. Heat
18. Evaporation
19. Consumer (if you want to, you can do heterotroph they're both right
20. Decomposer
21. Grassland (Or you can do savanna they're both right. do not put an 's' at the end. It will mark you wrong.)
22. Invasive
23. Essay
24. Essay
This is an guaranteed 100% Thank you for waiting!


does anyone no the test anwsers

its c the end case closed happy halloween, and the awnsure is c

Soo I rly need the answers for this unit test can I trust @PrincessJay??

19 and 21 have two answers. 21 can be savanna or grassland. Don't put an S at the end of grassland.

And 19 can be consumer or heterotroph. They're both right. You guys are going to get a 100% I promise.