A cheese pizza costs $5. Additional toppings cost $1.50 each. Write and graph an equation in two variables that represents the total cost of a pizza. Let tt represent the number of toppings and cc represent the total cost of the pizza.

The answer to this problem is: 1.5t + 5

(This answer should work on Big Ideas Math)

c = 5.00 + 1.50t

What is the coordinates?


What is the coordinates?


The answer is 1.5t+5 YOUR WELCOME also deez nuts



what are the coordinates


I forgot where but it's somewhere....

wheres the graph?

What are the fricking coods

Wheres the coordinates?


A cheese pizza costs $5. additional toppings cost $1.50 each. write and graph an equation in two varibles that represents the total cost of a pizza?