Create an illustration of a rectangular mathematical problem. The rectangle should be visually articulated with one side representing 13 inches and the other 7 inches. The rectangle should be in a distinctly pedagogic setting with common classroom objects like books, a ruler, pencil and eraser scattered around. The rectangle should be in the center, and no calculations or text should be present in the image. The entire image should have a welcoming, instructional tone.

Find the perimeter of a rectangular area with a length of 13 inches and

a width of 7 inches using distributive property and not using it.

I got for distributive property i put:

P=2(l+w)=2(13+7)= 40 inches.

and for not using distributive property I put:


yes and clearly, these people from 2016 did not know that 4 years later, there would be a pandemic and kids would still find their answers helpful :P

2020 anyone? XD

just the reverse. The distributive property states that

a(b+c) = ab + ac

combining stuff inside the parentheses first does not involve the property.

Ah, I remember 2016 where I was playing Portal or Undertale without a care in the world.

I can’t do it

Draw a rectangle.. write 13 on the two longer sides of the rectangle then write 7 on the other two shorter ones. Then add them all up and there you go your answer!

Our equation would be 13 + 13 + 7 + 7 = 40 inches


so basically i guess they were right idk-

With:P=2(l+w)=2(13+7)= 40 inches.
Without:P=2*L+2*W=2*13+2*7=40 inches

..or is it reversed..-?

i honestly have no clue i need help

So, are their answers correct?

little did past π•₯𝕙𝕒π•₯ π• π•Ÿπ•– π•˜π•šπ•£π• know the pandemic would last 2 YEARS

past Steve chillin in his non pandemic universe

the answer is 20in and that's all im saying

nah im just messing about i got confused with another problem 20in is not the correct answer

XD THIS QUESTION IS FROM 2016 that's poggers
