1. Is the equation true, false, or open?

4y 8 = 6y + 3
2. Which value is a solution of the equation 2 - 8x = -6?
3. Which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y - x - 4?
4. Which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y = 4x?
5. Which ordered pair is the solution of the equation y = -5x + 4?
6. Mike and his best friend Dan have the same birthday, but Mike is three years older than Dan. Let the variable x represent Mike's age and y represent Dan's age. Which graph represents the relationship between Dan's age and Mike's age?
7. -4 = g + 1
8. Solve the equation. x-3=-5
9. Solve the equation. 6.4 = 4x
10. -9 = r/4
Please help! Thank you!

you guys suck I just got an F so yea and I hope you guys do the same and help people not give wrong answers so plz help people if they really need it

I am not going to lie to you guys the real answers are this

1 C: Open; there is a variable.
2 B: 4
3 A: (3, 1)
4 D: (-10, -30)
5 B: (8,-54)
6 B: this one you have to trust me on its B
7 C: g=-5
8 C: w=-1
9 A: y=1.4
10 D: r=-36
11 A: 153/5
12 C: 10p+6-p=12p-3(p -2)
13 D: 4y+5=4y-6
14 C: infinitely many solutions
15 D: no solution
16 B: 5.25
17 B: z=3
18 A: z=4
19 A: p=6

you're welcome if I got one wrong tell me so I can fix it and if you like to say thx to me on discord it's ( irishluck03#3339) to make me feel better cuz I got an F on this test but again stop giving people wong answers and I hope this helped :) more then it helped me:/

jeb is right. but for the last 3 questions i suggest you use mathway.com. if anything, you should be using that for this whole test haha

Jeb is wrong.

jeb way more than wrong

Each test is different.

These people are all wrong

I’m gonna get a F

#1 has a typo

you provide no pairs for 2,3,4,5

For #6, you know that x = y+3
So, y = x-3
I assume one of the graphs works for that.

For the rest, work to isolate the variable

-4 = g+1
you want g all alone, so get rid of the 1 with subtraction
-4-1 = g+1-1
-5 = g

the others work the same way. Surely your text has many examples. I know google can provide many more.

1. C

2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. B

Dog lives matter is wrong, I got a 57.9, he is wrong dont use these answers.

Yall, just use mathway for the test and brainley for the word questions

While online tools like Mathway and Brainly may be helpful as additional resources, we always recommend double-checking their answers with your teacher or a trusted source to ensure accuracy. Additionally, it's important to remember that cheating is not a good long-term strategy for academic success, and it's important to build a strong understanding of the concepts covered in your math class.

Bot, can you help me with some questions?

Of course! What do you need help with?


To solve for g, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 1 from both sides:

-4 - 1 = g + 1 - 1

Simplifying the right side gives us:

-5 = g

Therefore, the solution for g is -5.

Can you help me w/ another one?

Sure thing! What's the next question?


To solve for x, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by adding 3 to both sides:

x - 3 + 3 = -5 + 3

Simplifying the right side gives us:

x = -2

Therefore, the solution for x is -2.

I have a few more that Im struggling with if thats okay

Of course! I'm here to help. What else do you need assistance with?


To solve for y, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by dividing both sides by 2:

2.8/2 = 2y/2

Simplifying the left side gives us:

1.4 = y

Therefore, the solution for y is 1.4.


To solve for r, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by multiplying both sides by 4:

-9 * 4 = r/4 * 4

Simplifying the right side gives us:

-36 = r

Therefore, the solution for r is -36.

Which equation is an identity?


An identity is an equation that holds true for all values of the variable.

Let's simplify each equation and see if any of them are identities:

For the first equation:

8 - (5x + 2) = -5x - 6

8 - 5x - 2 = -5x - 6

6 - 5x = -5x - 6

This equation is not an identity, since 6 does not equal -6 for all values of x.

For the second equation:

7z + 10 - z = 8z - 2(z - 5)

6z + 10 = 8z - 2z + 10

6z + 10 = 6z + 10

This equation is an identity, since both sides of the equation are equal for all values of z.

For the third equation:

8m - 4 = 5m + 8 - m

8m - 4 = 4m + 8

4m = 12

m = 3

This equation is not an identity, since 8m - 4 does not equal 4m + 8 for all values of m.

For the fourth equation:

6y + 5 = 6y - 5

5 = -5

This equation is not an identity, since 5 does not equal -5 for all values of y.

Therefore, the second equation, 7z + 10 - z = 8z - 2(z - 5), is the only identity.

Which equation has no solution?


An equation with no solution is one where the variable disappears and the resulting statement is always false.

Let's simplify each equation and see which one has no solution:

For the first equation:

5w + 4 - w = 9w - 2(w - 2)

4w + 4 = 9w - 2w + 4

4w + 4 = 7w + 4

w = 0

This equation is not an equation with no solution.

For the second equation:

3x - 5 = 3x + 8 - x

2x - 5 = 8

2x = 13

x = 6.5

This equation is not an equation with no solution.

For the third equation:

7z + 6 = -7z - 5

14z = -11

z = -11/14

This equation is not an equation with no solution.

For the fourth equation:

4y + 5 = 4y - 6

5 = -6

This equation has no solution, since 5 does not equal -6.

Therefore, the equation, 4y + 5 = 4y - 6, has no solution.

Ella nad Margaret were at a carnival. They each got a ticket for the Ferris wheel. Ella got a snow cone, and Margaret got a cotton candy. Ella had a certificate for $6 off the cost. Margaret paid the rest, which came to $12.75. Each Ferris wheel ticket was $4, and a snow cone was $3.50. What was the cost for cotton candy?

Let `C` be the cost for cotton candy.

First, we know that the cost of both tickets and the snow cone Ella got is equal to the total cost minus the $6 discount:

2(4) + 3.5 - 6 = 5 + 3.5 = 8.5

This means that Margaret paid $12.75 - $8.5 = $4.25 for cotton candy.

Therefore, the cost for cotton candy was $4.25.

Ella nad Margaret were at a carnival. They each got a ticket for the Ferris wheel. Ella got a snow cone, and Margaret got a cotton candy. Ella had a certificate for $6 off the cost. Margaret paid the rest, which came to $12.75. Each Ferris wheel ticket was $5, and a snow cone was $3.50. What was the cost for cotton candy?

Let's start by calculating the total cost of both tickets and the snow cone that Ella got before the discount:

2(5) + 3.5 = 13.5

Now we can subtract the $6 discount from the total cost:

13.5 - 6 = 7.5

We know that Margaret paid $12.75 in total, so we can subtract Ella's portion to find the cost of the cotton candy:

12.75 - 7.5 = 5.25

Therefore, the cost for cotton candy was $5.25.


Let's simplify the equation by distributing the coefficients:

-6p + 7 = 6p - 9 + 40 - 16p

Simplifying the right side of the equation by combining like terms, we get:

-6p + 7 = -10p + 31

Adding 10p to both sides of the equation, we get:

4p + 7 = 31

Subtracting 7 from both sides of the equation, we get:

4p = 24

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4, we get:

p = 6

Therefore, the solution for p is 6.

Thank you bot!! That was all I needed <3333

You're welcome! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions in the future. Have a great day!

You as well!

Thank you!

is @Jeb right?

1. C

2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. D
18. B
19. A

100% jeb is so wrong got a 8/19 these are the right answers.

teachers pet is a liar. made me get a 63, the real answers are:

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. C
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. A
19. B

