Find each unit price. Which is the better buy? Explain.

Electrical wire:

$1.49 for 3 ft.

$.69 for 18 in.

1.49/3 = 0.50 per foot

0.69/1.5 = 0.46 per foot

.69 is the better buy

1.49/3 = x/1

cross multiply
3x = 1.49
x = 1.49/3
x = 0.496 (rounds to 50 cents per foot)

.69/18 = x/1
cross multiply
18x = .69
x = .69/18
x = .038 per inch
12 inches in a foot
x = .038(12) = 0.456 (rounds to 46 cents per foot)

divide cost/quantity

$1.49/3ft = $0.4967/ft

and similarly for the other one. Then compare

0.69 / 1.5 = 0.46

Thanks blurryface! That really helped! :D

How did y’all get 1.5??

How did you get 46?

Thank you that did help.

Yes that was helpful blurryface, thank you.

what does the slash mean? multiply or divide?

Divide. If their was a semicolon ( • ) it would mean multiply. But in math these symbols mean divide, /, ÷,

@OGWoofles 18 inches is 1.5 ft. That is where the 1.5 comes from :)

its inches so that means that 1.49 is the better one


Is your name blurryface and do you care what I think?

help please i still dont get it :/

Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Find each unit price. Which is the better buy? Explain.

Electrical wire: $1.49 for 3 ft.
$.69 for 18 in

whats going on i dont get in :((((

... ok so like... where the h--- is the 1.5 coming from?! Im so confused--


-OGW 🐾

im listening to the song rn :0

1.49/3 = 0.50 per foot

0.69/1.5 = 0.46 per foot

.69 is the better buy

depends on how much wire you need.

one is almost 50cents per foot, the other is almost 46 cents per foot.