A recipe for 24 cookies calls for 6 tablespoons of sugar. If you make 36 cookies and use 10 tablespoons, will the cookies taste the same? Explain.

6/24 = ??? 10/36 ???

1/4 = 5/18 ???
I think not :)

how about making 40 ?

or use 9 tablespoons for 36 cookies
9/36 = 1/4

Why won't the cookies taste the same though...? I'm so confused. I've been doing this stupid test for hours

24 cookies divided by 6 tablespoons of sugar equals 4 cookies per tablespoon of sugar. So, 4 cookies times 10 tablespoons of sugar equals 40 cookies. Since you are using the amount of sugar for 40 cookies instead of 36, the cookies will be sweeter.

Jacob, it's because there are different amounts of sugar in the cookies. There's no way to tell if they'll actually taste different in real life unless you make cookies with the different amounts of sugar (which they most likely will taste different). However, since this is just a math problem, they're saying the batches will taste different because of the difference in sugar.

Lol me too Jacob !!!😂😂👌🏻


Thank you Melody.S

*coco melon intro* mY mOm DiDnT fEeD mE tOdAy *coco melon outro* *CoUgH*

6/24 = 1/4 (0.25) tbs per cookie

10/36 = 5/18 (0.278) tbs per cookie

So, It Wont Taste The Same?

Soooooooooo, Yes Or No??????


sheriff cali
