1) What characteristics do bureaucracies share? Select all that apply.

A) formal rules**
B) generalized jobs**
C) clearly defined goals
D) chain of command**
E) elected staff

2) Which of the following is part of the executive branch bureaucracy?
A) the president's cabinet
B) the congressional budget office**
C) the first lady
D) the electoral college

3) The National Science Foundation (NSF) raises money for scientific projects and research in the United States. What kind of agency is the NSF?
A) staff agency
B) line agency**
C) legislative agency
D) judicial agency

1. yes

2. no
3. I'm not sure.

I agree with A and D for #1, not sure about B and C. Generalized jobs? Job descriptions are often very specific in a bureaucracy. The goals are often specific, too. The IRS collects taxes. Period.

I don't know about #3, either. I don't know how your text defines a "staff agency" or a "line agency". Make sure you do.

NSF is a staff agency, independent,reports to no elected officials. It supports and works with those in the field of research science, to further national goals.

bobpursley, that's what I would have answered, too, but the correct answer has to match the text materials. I think you are correct. At the same time, I want the student to know the answer and understand it, not just get the points on the exercise without understanding what it means.

1 . acd

2. a
3. b

Shyanne's answers are correct.

Answers for this 10/10


1) Formal rules, clearly defined goals, chain of command

2) the president's cabinet
3) staff agency

Number 3 is staff agency.

it's moments like these that make me happy about being a CA student haha seeing all my classmates help each other out I don't know it just makes me smile.

T has it right. thanks man

Shyanne got 3 wrong

T was right. Thanks a bunch

T had all of the right answers.

T is right



Anon is right

1.) A, C, and D

2.) A
3.) A

I'm with Kitten. This makes me feel better about my situation in CA.

Ignore the rest of them. T is right.

T is still correct. Got 100%.



very tasty