By what percent will the product of two numbers decrease if one of them is decreased by 25% and the other is decreased by 50%?

original numbers: x and y

original product : xy

new numbers: .75x and .5y
new product = .375xy or (3/8)xy

change in product = (5/8)xy
percentage change = (5/8)xy/(xy)
= 5/8
= .625
= 62.5 %


jk it is actually 62.5

it is 62.5

Hey so the answer is 62.5. I am a math teacher kids. Please do not be rude

62.5 is wrong



idk I think it is 83, what he said

62.5 is wrong!

Your all wrong the answer is 4%

its 420 69

Horrible, WRONG!

It is 62.5 percent

the real answer is 9%