8. which of the following quotes from "the morning of june 281948" best describe the aversion that the public felt toward Shirley Jackson's short story "The lottery"

a. "as a matter of fat when I read it over later I decided that except for one or two minor corrections, it needed no changes and the story I finally typed up and sent off to my agent the next day was almost word for word the original draft."
b. "I didn't think it was perfect but I didn't want to fuss with it."
c. "He asked for one change-that the date mentioned in the story be changed to coincide with the date of the issue of the magazine in which thae story would appear and I said of course."
d. "I wanted to tell him I knew the author but after I heard what he was saying I decided i'd better not

I think that the answer is d

9. which of the following passages from "The morning of june 28 1984 and "The lottery" best shows how Shirley Jackson's specific word choices contribute to the story' tone?

a. I wen on picking up the mail every morning pushing my daughter up and down the hill in her stroller anticipating pleasurably the check from the new Yorker and shopping for groceries
b. the weather stayed nice and it looked as though it was going to be a good summer
c. no, I said nothing in particular; it was just a story I wrote
d. then on june 28 the new Yorker came out ith my story

I think that the answer is a

please help

That is not something to joke about that was a serious situation

@nate higgers

you can’t even spell bro shut up.

can y’all stop arguing and tell me the answers

Hey...I was found guilty

I love you Mystery Person

Shut up people

A for #9

well thank you for trying

What was the answer

9 was d


Number 8 is b.

I got it wrong. It sucks.

Nevermind. My answer has nothing to do with this question.

ouch! ya'll sound like me and my bother when we argue. (except we get a little worse)

reed can you help please?

Sorry, it's #9, not #2. In any case, think about "b" as a possible choice, too. I'm not sure "a" is wrong, but "b" is a possibility.

I agree with your answer for #1.

The question posed in #2 doesn't seem to match the possible choices. If I'm not mistaken, none of them are from "The Lottery". I don't blame you for being confused, and I'm afraid I can't help.

i do think #9 is A

Dude try to take a joke