A side effect of chewing tobacco includes which of the following?

Carbon monoxide poisoning.

Impaired lung functions.

Receding gums and tooth decay. (MY ANSWER)

Smelly hair and clothes.

Teen Tobacco Use Quiz:

1. B = peers using peer pressure to try smoking
2. A = Amy smokes while walking with you. She never blows smoke your way, but she offers you a cigarette every day.
3. D = a television advertisement of two sisters laughing and smoke while sitting on a bench
4. C = receding gums and tooth decay
5. D = Smokeless tobacco can be chewed, absorbed, or sniffed to ingest the nicotine.

I don't know what this has to do with a heath, but yes.

Thank u.

Thanks "Use as needed" is correct

I got 100 percent!!!!

You are correct!

You are correct LOVE good job!!!

I think you are correct, tell me if you are right or wrong?

Use as needed is right btw 100%

We at Canada think you are correct

use as needed is 100% correct

Thank you! I'm glad to have been helpful.