In Act IV, of Romeo and Juliet, Why do Juliet's parents think she is crying?

1:Because Romeo wash banished

2: Tybalt is dead

3: Because she did not want to marry Paris

I think it is 2 is this correct? Thank you

If you are in Connections Academy, the answer to the whole Unit 2 Lesson 8 Quick Check is 1.b 2.b 3.b, no joke they are all b. I put these and got 100%

1.)Situational irony

3.)Because Tybalt was dead


100% thanks!


#1 B #2 B #3 B

All answers in connexus is B..

BBB. 100%

Katie Grace is correct!

Katie Grace, thx! I got an A+ on your Bs. XD


BBB is still correct

exactly correct

Cthulu welcomes all who are so wise in the ways of academic aid.


i love homework help!!! BBB is correct! 100%

Wakanda, I remember that place. It's remembered as the place those "Avengers" all fought each other. That place doesn't exist in the near future. Good day, T'Challa.

thank so much! I got 100%

Thank you so much!!!