need Damon help


convert 150% in to a decimal

Study this and tell us what you think.

We'll be glad to check your answer.

150/100 = 1.5

just follow the recipe

9 more probloms on this lesson

Ms. Sue - we have been at this for quite a while, just working it out :)

i see the recipe now

i did 5/6 +3/6 and got 8/6 i reduced and got 4/3 what do i do?

is that right 4/3?

yes, good

ok just cheking

on that one

by the way 4/3 is 1 1/3

solve the equation by undoing


I do not know what undoing means

but try adding 3.5 to both sides

yes u do the oppsitsit

is it 29.2?

18.7 + 3.5 = 22.2 you have a typo


i am dad in english

sorry bad


x - 3.5 + 3.5 = 18.7 + 3.5

x + 0 = 22.2

ok i see

52x=676. i first do 676/52 right?

yes, divide both sides by 52

is it 13?

52 x / 52 = 676 / 52


x = 676 / 52

which is 13


it comes to 13

ok x/21=0.5

multiply both sides by 21

ok i 0.5*21=10.5 right?


x+2/3=4/3 i divided 2/3 /4/3 right?


x + 2/3 - 2/3 = 4/3 - 2/3

which is 2/3



i divid right?

well, same as multiply by 5/6

(5/6) (6/5) x = (5/6)(1/10)

1 x = 5/60
5/60 = 1/12

check :

(6/5) (1/12) = 6/60 = 1/10 check :)

so it is 1/12?

i see it now

2 more now

sorry 3


dividing by 6/5 is multiplying by 5/6

no 2

LOL getting tired ?


me no

jazzy is tired

I think that means

x / (4/3) = 7/8

multiply both sides by (4/3)


is 1/8 = to 125%?

(4/3) [ x / (4/3) ] = (7/8 )(4/3)

x = (7/2)(1/3)

x = 7/6
1 1/6

= (7/6)(3/4) = 21/24 = 7/8 right check

ok it is 1 1/6

1/8 = 0.125

=times 100
= 12.5 %
be more careful

i thot it was 0.125=1/8

1/8 is smaller than 1

125% is bigger than 1
no way the same :)
percent to decimal divide by 100
decimal to percent, multiply by 100
100/8 = 12.5

yes .125 = 1/8

but .125 * 100 = 12.5 %
not 125 %

last one 4/7-1/2=

ok i see.

factor 7 = 1 and 7

factor 2 = 1 and 2
LCD = 2*7 = 14

4/7 = 8/14
1/2 = 7/14
----------- subtract
answer 1/14

Go back over those. The last one looks like the next chapter :)

it is problem 6

oh well, better learn prime factors and least common denominator.

can 1/14 be reduced?

i learned that in lesson 11 i am on lesson54

nope 1/14 is the end. One / anything can not be reduced

ok i new that not

ok, good luck, study what you have worked on here.

ok do u have a dog?

I can not help you train jazzy :)

no do u have a dog?

i need more help!

can u help me?