Describe the primary economic activity for each of the three colonial regions: the New England colonies, the Middle colonies, and the Southern colonies. Explain how the geography of each region helped determine its economy.

I don't know how to explain it and I don't remember being taught this.

And by the way since i'm nice and all here's a proper response.

The New England colonies relied on trading because they didn't have an environment suited for crop growing. The Middle Colonies had the best environment and grew rice as their growing season was long. The Southern Colonies grew wheat and grain crops and were called the Breadbasket colonies because of that.

Feeling double nice today


Not mine! I just copied and paste but I am 100% sure that this is correct.

The Southern Colonies had fertile flat large land areas perfect for farming rice, cotton, tobacco, and indigo on large plantations.

The Middle Colonies had better soil suitable for small farms of grains such as wheat and rye. They were called “The Breadbasket Colonies”.

The New England Colonies had rocky soil poor for farming but forests full of riches for ship building, whaling, and fishing.

I did my short answer responses and I got them wrong so my teacher said this would be a better answer,

13. The New England Colonies developed a commercial trading economy. The rough terrain of the region made farming difficult, and the colonists were unable to grow enough crops to sell. As a result, they had to trade with England and other colonies for the goods that they needed. The Middle Colonies developed small farms that grew crops such as wheat. This region had many trees that the colonists had to cut down prior to building their farms; therefore, they developed small farms. The Middle Colonies also had climate to contend with, which caused there to be a shorter growing season. However, they found that the grains grew very well in this region, and they were able to sell the extra grains to other regions. The Southern Colonies depended on cash crops such as tobacco. They developed plantations to grow these crops. The climate in this region allowed for a longer growing season, which made it possible for the colonists to grow crops that took longer to mature, such as tobacco and cotton. In addition, the land was flat and had very fertile soil that contributed to the development of large farms.

14. Low Country citizens primarily lived on plantations, and most Up Country citizens lived on small farms. The primary crop of the Low Country was rice. Up Country farms grew a wide variety of crops but did not grow rice. Many people in the Low Country depended on slave labor. Most people in the Up Country provided their own labor; only the wealthy could afford slaves. Most representatives in the assembly were from the Low Country. The settlers of the Up Country had very few representatives in the assembly. Most of the wealth was isolated in the Low Country. There was little wealth in the Up Country. The settlers in the Low Country had more education than the settlers in the Up Country. Courts and a sheriff system were developed in the Low Country but not in the Up Country.

⚠⚠WARNING⚠⚠ do not copy and paste❗ or you might get caught plagiarizing and will get a bad grade❗ and I don't want you guys to get a bad grade❗
Anyway hope this helps, bye

oop i didn't wanna believe it but ox is 100%

Sy Ox was completely right except the last question was B, not C

oh wow someone who isn't a troll for once thanks ox you da man

Research done by bug is 100% wrong. Just so yall know everyone is wrong except Among U. Breadbasket colonies are NOT the new England colonies OR the southern, they are the middle colonies. Rice is a staple crop in South Carolina (Southern colony)

you guys are hilarious 😂

I just took Sy Ox's answer and turned it to my own he's 100% right

The New England colonies had a longer growing season. Therefore, they were able to grow rice very efficiently. The Middle Colonies relied on trading since their terrain was rugged and rocky. The Southern Colonies, known as the breadbasket colonies, grew wheats and grains.

Bruh Anonymous was an idiot, he wrong asf

Just so you guys know, I took the multiple choice and got them all wrong. They must have updated the test.

Why is everyone giving out wrong responses!? I’m not sure if you all are playing around but school isn’t a joke!

According to my resources, the New England colonies were said to have elongated growing seasons, therefore making it easier to grow rice quicker. The middle colonies, on the other hand, has rockier and more choppy land, causing them to rely on trading for their resources. Last but not least, the Southern Colonies grew the oats, wheats and grains, earning them the name "The Breadbasket Colonies". (DONT COPY AND PASTE, REWORD)