1.In what ways can it be argued that the formation of the European Union resulted from World Wars I and II?

preach genjustu i see people coming on here accusing us of cheating when all i really need is to check my answers and get some help in things i dont understand

OwO This is a tutoring site, so whats the point of tutoring if just do everything ourselves


Can you give me the answer

The answer is that they were a multinational empire. A lot of people go along really well and the European Union was not necessary at all.

Can Ya'll just helppa girl out and give out another helpful link?

YOU COULD SAVE $668 when you switch to progressive

Fake Flo? FF?

no flo

XxCrumbZxX IKR just help us out omg

yall go to brainly its better for the essay parts <3

someone anyone know the answer

How did they unite the countries Politically, economicaly, socialy.

Y'all are rude


Read some of these articles. Once you have an answer, we'll be glad to check it.

please just learn it yourself