What is the length of the diagonal for the rectangular prism to the nearest whole unit?

LENGTH:12 cm
WIDTH:4 cm

A.16 cm
B.15 cm
C.13 cm
D.10 cm

i thinks its c. i think...

As you know, the diagonal of a 2-D rectangle is


Similarly, the diagonal of a rectangular prism is


So, since you have x,y,z just plug them in:

√(144+16+81) = √241 = 15.52

Looks like B to me.

It would be A because anything rounding for the decimals a thing 5 or up changes the number yw

i really need help please. i'll be patient but i am in a little bit of a rush.

15.52 is does not equal 15 it equals 16 because .52 rounds up to 1

It kinda seems like it's 16 but that's just me

I believe the answer is A because you have round to the nearest whole unit.

You would round up to 16 if its 15.52, so wouldn't it be A?

so is it A?? or B??

my bad the answer is D i didnt divide right

your not the real steve lol his name was capital we arent dumb


not smart

besides Steve dint even divide he square rooted thats not division its square root if you arent in 3rd grade u should know that

@Writeacher, @Reed

One question what do you divide by once you add all the numbers together I know the formula but then it doesn't tell me what to divide by?

My name says it all