Which word is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word ponderous?

A. Light
B. Strong
C. Awkward
D. Thoughtful
Is the answer A?
Thank you


Oh, I'm sorry! I misread the question. Yes, light is nearly opposite.

My opinion A would be right because that is opposite of what ponderous is

Honestly, A seems to be the best answer. If you go to thesaurus .(COM), light is listed as an antonym for ponderous. So, I agree with you, Lucina, and Sandy.

I hope this helps! :)

A Is The Answer

I'm only doing the ones i got correct


I did look it up, I always do:/slow and clumsy because of great weight.Light is the oppisite of great weight.

Brady:) I know A is the answer.

Okay, cool.

I was just posting to double-check what other people said including you, Reed, Lucina, and Sandy.

umm, ok I guess:/

The answer is light

It's C

A is correck my guys

yes duh

Most nearly opposite

A is the final answer

is that right?

Sorry if that didn't sound so great, but that's as good as I could explain it. I tried coming up with better ways, but they didn't work.

Well, I guess I have to go since my mom is calling me off. So I guess I will help you another time. So Bye! :)

No, it is not. Look up "ponderous" in the dictionary rather than guessing.