Johnny Tremain

How does Rab's reaction to Johnny's hand compare to that of other people's?

A. like others, Rab is horrified

B. While others react with disgust or pity, Rab ignores the injury until Johnny mentions his band hand

C. Rab expresses great pity for Johnny's accident, but unlike others offers him a job

D. Rab is sorry, but like others, feels that johnny got what he deserved for being arrogant.

is it c?

whats sad is that we are still using this book.

The question is, have YOU read it?

yes /BBBB

No its B

thank you have you read the book before

Yes in fact I'm reading it right now. I take it your from connections academy and are in 8th grade right? :P

was c right?

I'm in conections to I'm in 8th grade

I'm in your class derpy ik who u r

Why are you going around saying these things? You are not DerpyPegasus33! >:(

is it C?


It's B I promise

It is B