What shold an artist do first in order to draw a two-point perspective image?

A. Use orthogonal lines.
B. Use value changes
C. Draw all vertical lines
D. Draw a horisan line

Please define "orthogonal" and "horisan" for me.

I meant horizan, not horisan

meaning of orthogonal of or involving right angles; at right angles.

definition of horizon line Assuming the picture plane stands vertical to ground, and P is the perpendicular projection of the eye point O on the picture plane, the horizon is defined as the horizontal line through P. The point P is the vanishing point of lines perpendicular to the picture.

I'd draw the horizon first.

But that's just me! What does your text say?

I don't have any text, that's why im asking

How does your school expect you to learn without a text?

If you have no text (whether in print or online), you'd better get good at Internet searches.


What was the anwser for this assessment?

1. A

2. C
3. D
4. C
5. B

It is actually


what about the answers for connexus :<