what is the best estimate for the product of 289 and 7

What is the best estimate for the product of 289 and 7

What is the best estimate of for the product of 289 and 7?

What is the best estimate for the product of 289 and 7

300 times 10

It is simple well... for me it is cause I'm middle-schooler. (I don't think that's a word.) But the answer is 300-10.

289 x 7=2023

What is the estimate for the product of 289 and7

What is the best estimate for the product of 289 and 7


Hi every body Ian Gaby so hi jam a 6 grade so bye

What is the best estimate for the pruduct Of 289 and 7?

7 times 289=

What is the best estimate for the product of 289 7

What is the best estimate for the product of 289 and 7





What is the value of n

boi if you don't stop sending thing on here you a dead son