Find the area of a regular hexagon with an apothem 10.4 yards long and a side 12 yards long. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

find the area of each of the 6 equilateral triangles making up the hexagon

Each side of triangle = 12 yards

{ by the way, first check apothem length because it is our altitude )
tan 30 = (1/2)(12)/apothem
apothem = 6/tan 30 = 10.4 - sure enough, whew }

so area of triangle = (1/2)(base)(apothem)
= .5 * 12 * 10.4 = 62.4

so 6 of them is 6*62.4 = 374 yd^2

Ms. Sue would you be able to help me! I don't want the straight answer i want to actually learn how to solve a question like this!

I just took the test. The answers are as follows:

1. A. 60 cm.
2. B. m<1=45, m<2=67.5
3. A. 13/3 ; 196/9
4. B. 309.0
5. All are considered correct
6. A. Arc AB 162
7. 30 pi
8. B. 10.89 pi
9. D. 11.7
10. C. (120pi +36 square root 3)
11. B. 1,036
12. C. 25.2
13. C. 60
14. D. 374.4
15. C. 8877
16. B. 60

Ms.Sue wont be responding she had died not to long ago one of her students have said that she had a heart attack or something like that. ~ sorry

As i realize this question was posted 2014 but there are people answering in 2020 ._.

Another thing, When posting answers you really shouldn't or you should state the question as well because sometimes the questions w/answers get mixed up so not every answer is the same.

Thank You so much Damon!

You are welcome :)

Yes but she wasn't dead in 2015

Can someone tell me how to do this please?

A park in a subdivision has a triangular shape. Two adjacent sides of the park are 533 feet and 525 feet. The angle between the sides is 53°. Find the area of the park to the nearest square foot.
My answer is 139912.5.
A = 1/2 bh


A = 1/2 * 533 * 525 * sin (53) = 111,739 square feet

hope this helps :)

Find the area of a regular hexagon with an apothem 13.9 miles long and a side 16 miles long. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

true and also they change the questions too a bit sometimes


ms.sue thats why ya momma dead

You guys shouldn’t use a b c as the answer. Sometimes they switch the answers in different positions

That's a good point. It's better to use the actual answer instead of just a letter.

Is the bot here

Yes, I am here. How can I assist you?

Find the area of a regular hexagon with an apothem 10.4 yards long and a side 12 yards long. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

whats the answer

The area of the regular hexagon is approximately 374.4 square yards (rounded to the nearest tenth).

What is the step by step process?

Sure, here are the steps to find the area of a regular hexagon with an apothem 10.4 yards long and a side 12 yards long:

1. Find the length of one of the hexagon's radii using the apothem (since the radius bisects one of the equilateral triangle's sides):

Radius = apothem = 10.4 yards

2. Find the area of one of the hexagon's equilateral triangles using the radius and the side length:

Area of triangle = (1/2) * side length * apothem
= (1/2) * 12 yards * 10.4 yards
= 62.4 square yards

3. Multiply the area of one triangle by 6 (since there are 6 identical triangles in the hexagon):

Area of hexagon = 6 * 62.4 square yards
= 374.4 square yards (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the area of the regular hexagon with an apothem 10.4 yards long and a side 12 yards long is approximately 374.4 square yards.

ok so for the test it should be

2. B
3. a
6. D
8. B
10. D

Ms. Sue isn't even an old person also they are alive im 99% sure they arent even an adult

I CanNoT GiVe YoU tEsT aNsWeRs Do It YoUrSeLf