A geologists working in a national park finds a mineral he is carrying a kit that contains a penny, a hand lens, a piece of tile, a geologic hammer, and a jackknife.

Describe how the geologists can use these items to determine some of the minerals characteristics.

The hand lens can be used to identify any features such as cleavage, to a certain extent of course.

He/She could use the tile to look at the streak of the mineral.

The Hammer to open a fresh surface and examine the aformentioned features such as cleavage.

And use the knife to scratch it, and compare it to the scratch of the coin to test the hardness against copper/steel. Although a coin is not common practice in my experience.

NapkinNate wha is ms sue gonna do call our parents

I am going to put this in my notes, reword it and make this a learrning experience.

I don't use awnsers I just read then and see what I can get out of it

@NapkinNate, What is Ms. Sue gonna do to us? She's not gonna kill us. Maybe I will.... Cause, I'M THE CORONAVIRUS, which makes sense, but Ms. Sue isn't gonna kill us if we are on this website.

Plus, most of us aren't hear to so called "Cheat", I'm here cause i'm everywhere...............................................................

im the CORONAVIRUS.............

You are truly a lifesaver!!!LOL

You are really a life saver!!!!


- the people that come here to get the answer to a question but don't think they're cheating so they call other people other than themselves "cheater"

Same LiLly

I read the answer, ask myself what is true about it, and only put in the MOST IMPORTANT things.
Use this method and you'll get a good grade.
Peace Out! :3

I agree with @cute fox girl and @Lily. Anybody can cheat just put it in ur own words

So i got a cold last week and my cousin said "WAIT YOU HAVE CORONAVIRUS, ITS IN (my location) NOW!! AND A COMMON COLD IS A SYMPTOM!!" so i just laughed.

Its only cheating if u get caught tf.



Thanks so much!!!


Ya NapkinNate what is Ms. Sue going to do? Btw you talk big a especially for an inanimate object thats just used to wipe someones face.

Not the real Ms.Sue, the real on has a pic of a teacher 🙄🙄🤓🤓

thanks you

Thank you guys

Thanks that helped a lot!

What about the tile.

You really are a Lifesaver!!!


parents do not be ashamed. there is nothing wrong with finding the answers to knowing whether or not your kid actually understands the material he or she is learning. do not be fooled by the bullies.

well then, "Ms. Sue"

If you are using this site to find the answer on a test, you better be careful. The answers are often not even fully correct.

Guys, bad news. I got Coronavirus XD

:D yee haw omg are you good

YOUR A LIFESAVER TYSM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y’all, I think Ms. Sue is a fake LOL

Guys stop fighting

the corona virus has some really bad spelling man i don't know if y'all saw that but it would be here not hear just a heads up :)

Why can't we copy ms sue

*sips coffee*


i don't claim this negative energy

Yes if you right it in you own words your not cheating your doing the same you would do using a website.

i just want to say to the Eek person that they came here to so there cheating to so get rosted

@Lopppp your calling us cheaters so uhhhhhh. what about you? how the hell did you get here if you are calling us cheaters. i swear people aare getting dumber and dumber but like EXPLAIN THE LOGIC BEHIND CALLIN EVERYONE ELSE CHEATERS WHEN YOUR HERE YOU HAD TO HAVE SEARCHED THE ANSWER UP

Thanks @Life Saver

This post started in 2015 it come a long way

Kids, Jishka is not made for giving direct answers, but it is to get a close meaning to what the answer is. If you copy about what @Life Saver said it won't be a benefit for your future, your teacher will find out about you copying someone elses answer and get an F.

stop and just do the freaking test already


whoa there you're not supposed to taking somebody's ideas, that's cheating. If Ms. Sue comes here, we're going to get in trouble.