What is the cost, C for manufacturing x units of a certain product is given by C=x/2+30 find the number of units manufactured at a cost f 9230 solve.

9230 = x/2 + 30

Subtract 30 from both sides, then multiply both sides by 2.

To find the number of units manufactured at a cost of $9230, we need to set up the equation and solve for x.

The cost of manufacturing x units is given by the equation C = x/2 + 30. We substitute the given cost, C = 9230, into the equation and solve for x.

9230 = x/2 + 30

Let's simplify this equation step-by-step to solve for x.

1. Subtract 30 from both sides of the equation:
9230 - 30 = x/2 + 30 - 30
9200 = x/2

2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to eliminate the fraction:
2 * 9200 = 2 * x/2
18400 = x

Therefore, the number of units manufactured at a cost of $9230 is 18,400 units.