what should be added to 19/27to make it -13/15


check-: -22/135-(-13/15)

-13/15 - 19/27 = -212/135

Please my help

To find what should be added to 19/27 to make it -13/15, we need to find a common denominator for both fractions.

The common denominator for 27 and 15 is 135.

To convert 19/27 to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 135, we need to multiply both the numerator and denominator by (135/27) to maintain the same value. This gives us (19 * 135) / (27 * 135) = 2,565/3,645.

Now, we have the equation: (2,565/3,645) + x = -13/15

To eliminate the denominators, we can multiply both sides of the equation by (3,645 * 15) to get rid of the fractions. This gives us:

2,565 + (x * 3,645 * 15) = -13 * 3,645

Now, we can solve for x:

2,565 + 54,675x = -47,385

Subtract 2,565 from both sides of the equation:

54,675x = -49,950

Divide both sides by 54,675:

x = -49,950 / 54,675

So, adding approximately -0.9126 to 19/27 will make it equal to -13/15.