The hospital-acquired infection rate (including newborns) is___________

A. 0.03%

B. 0.30%

C. 3.00%

D. 30.00

I believe the formula it was given gave me B. 0.30%

What formula were you given?

Number of hospital acquired infections ( x 100) / total number of discharges (including deaths)

c seems very far off

I couldn't find the data to confirm your answer. Check your text.

To calculate the hospital-acquired infection rate, including newborns, you need to divide the number of hospital-acquired infections by the total number of patients (including newborns) and then multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Let's assume you have the number of hospital-acquired infections and the total number of patients. To calculate the infection rate, you need to plug in these numbers into the formula:

Infection rate (%) = (Number of hospital-acquired infections / Total number of patients) x 100

Once you have the calculation result, you can compare it to the given options to determine the correct answer.

Based on your calculation, you arrived at an infection rate of 0.30%. To verify if this is the correct answer, let's compare it to the options given:

A. 0.03%
B. 0.30%
C. 3.00%
D. 30.00%

Since your calculation matches option B (0.30%), it is likely to be the correct answer. However, to be certain, it's essential to double-check your inputs and calculations to ensure accuracy.