Joelle practiced piano for 45, 42, 55, and 48 minutes in the first four practice days this week. How many minutes does she need to practice on the fifth practice day to have an average of 50 minutes?

5 * 50 = 250 minutes needed

45 + 42 + 55 + 48 = 190 minutes in the first 4 days

250 - 190 = _______ minutes needed on the 5th day

Joelle practiced piano for 45, 42, 55, and 48 minutes in the first four practice days this week. How many minutes does she need to practice on the fifth practice day to have an average of 50 minutes


To determine how many minutes Joelle needs to practice on the fifth day to have an average of 50 minutes, we can use the concept of "average" or "mean."

The average is calculated by adding up all the values and then dividing the sum by the number of values. In this case, we need to find the average of the first four practice days, which is 50 minutes.

To find the total minutes practiced on the first four days, we add up the individual practice times:
45 + 42 + 55 + 48 = 190 minutes

Now, we know that the average of the first four days is 50 minutes, and the total minutes is 190. To find the fifth-day practice time, we need to consider that there will be a total of 5 practice days. Therefore:

Average practice time = Total practice time / Number of practice days
50 = (190 + x) / 5

To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by 5 to remove the fraction:
50 * 5 = 190 + x
250 = 190 + x

Next, we isolate the variable by subtracting 190 from both sides of the equation:
250 - 190 = x
60 = x

So, Joelle needs to practice for 60 minutes on the fifth day to have an average of 50 minutes.