reresent the rational no. on numberline -7/3

To represent the rational number -7/3 on a number line, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a horizontal line and mark the origin (zero point) at the center of the line.

Step 2: Divide the line into equal segments. You can choose any scale for the segments, but for simplicity, let's say each segment represents 1 unit.

Step 3: Locate the whole number part of the rational number, which in this case is -2. Find the segment that represents -2 and mark it on the number line. Label it as -2.

Step 4: Determine the fraction part of the rational number, which is -7/3. Since the denominator is 3, divide the segment between -2 and -3 into three equal parts.

Step 5: Now, locate -7 on the number line. Start from the mark for -2 and count three equal parts in the negative direction. Label this point as -7.

Step 6: Since -7 is not a whole number, you can represent the fraction part -7/3 by drawing an arrow or a line segment from the point -7 to the left side of the line, dividing it into three equal parts.

Step 7: Mark the endpoint of the arrow on the line segment, and label it as -7/3.

So, on the number line, the rational number -7/3 will be represented by a point between the segments -2 and -3, and further divided into three equal parts, reaching the endpoint labeled -7/3.