A map has a scale of 2 cm for every 25 miles. The distance on the map between Griffin Park and the San Diego Zoo is 10 cm. How far is the actual distance?

125 miles




To find the actual distance between Griffin Park and the San Diego Zoo, we need to use the scale provided on the map. The scale tells us that for every 2 cm on the map, the corresponding distance in reality is 25 miles.

First, we need to determine the scale factor. This can be found by dividing the distance on the map by the corresponding distance in reality. In this case, the distance on the map is 10 cm, and the corresponding distance in reality is unknown.

10 cm / 2 cm = 5

This means that every 5 units on the map represents 25 miles in reality.

To find the actual distance between Griffin Park and the San Diego Zoo, we need to multiply the corresponding distance in reality by the scale factor:

25 miles * 5 = 125 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between Griffin Park and the San Diego Zoo is 125 miles.


well 10 is 5 times 2, so the distance will also be 5 times as big

x/25 = 10/2