Michael owns 3/8 of the shares in a company. he sold 1/3 of his shares to his friend. if there are a total of 7600 shares in the company, how many shares does michael still have left ?


To calculate the number of shares Michael still has left, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of shares Michael sold to his friend.
Michael owned 3/8 of the shares, so the fraction of shares he sold is 1/3 of 3/8.
To calculate the number of shares sold, multiply the total number of shares (7600) by the fraction:
(1/3) * (3/8) * 7600 = (1/8) * 7600 = 950 shares.

Step 2: Calculate the remaining shares Michael has.
Subtract the number of shares sold from the total shares he owned initially:
7600 - 950 = 6650 shares.

So, Michael still has 6650 shares left in the company.