What was the White House reaction to Lesley Stahl’s critical report on Reagan’s use of television?

A. CBS News was excluded from White House press conferences.
B. Stahl was honored at a White House ceremony.
C. The reaction was very positive, because of the good pictures of Reagan included in the report.
D. The reaction was very negative, because of the critique of Reagan’s speaking ability.

Nope. She was critical. Reagan and his staff (and Nancy) were HAPPY and positive about it?

To determine the White House's reaction to Lesley Stahl's critical report on Reagan's use of television, we can start by researching the incident in question. Lesley Stahl is a well-known journalist, and Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of the United States. Therefore, searching for news articles or historical records from the time when Stahl reported on Reagan's use of television can provide us with information.

Alternatively, we can consult reputable historical sources or biographies on Reagan's presidency, which often contain insights into important events and reactions from the White House.

While I don't have access to real-time information, based on historical records and available research, the correct answer to your question is likely not option C. The White House's reaction may have varied, so let's consider the other options as well:

A. CBS News was excluded from White House press conferences: This answer suggests that the White House's response to the critical report was to exclude CBS News, the network that employed Lesley Stahl, from press conferences. This could be a relevant possibility, as it implies a negative reaction to the report.

B. Stahl was honored at a White House ceremony: This answer suggests that Stahl was honored by the White House, indicating a positive reaction to her report. However, it is important to note that honoring someone for a critical report would be unusual.

D. The reaction was very negative, because of the critique of Reagan's speaking ability: This answer suggests that the White House's reaction was negative due to the report's critique of Reagan's speaking ability, which is a possibility.

To accurately determine the correct answer, further research specific to Stahl's report and the White House's reaction during that time would be necessary.