Which of the following homogeneous and which are heterogeneous? Blood, carbon dioxide,Rock, steak,iron, concrete, air,oxygen, salt, milk.

Some of those are elements in the periodic table or chemical compounds such as NaCl or Fe. Others are combinations of different materials. For example a rock may have several types of mineral in it. Now you try to figure out which is which.

blood can be filtered, or centifruged, separating its components.

Concrete is not a heterogenous mixture: look at the pebbles in it.

Milk has fat that floats to the top.

To determine whether a substance is homogeneous or heterogeneous, you need to understand the definitions of each term.

A homogeneous substance is one that has the same uniform composition throughout. In other words, it has a similar appearance and properties in all parts of the sample.

On the other hand, a heterogeneous substance is one that consists of multiple components or has varying properties in different parts of the sample. It is not uniform throughout.

Now let's categorize the substances you provided:

1. Blood: Heterogeneous - Blood is composed of cells, plasma, and various proteins, which make it a heterogeneous mixture.

2. Carbon dioxide: Homogeneous - Carbon dioxide is a gas consisting of carbon and oxygen atoms. It is uniformly distributed in gaseous form, making it homogeneous.

3. Rock: Heterogeneous - Rocks are generally composed of different minerals and have an uneven distribution, making them heterogeneous.

4. Steak: Heterogeneous - A steak is composed of different tissues and fat, making it a heterogeneous material.

5. Iron: Homogeneous - Iron is an element, which means it is composed of only one type of atom. It is uniformly distributed and has the same properties throughout, making it homogeneous.

6. Concrete: Heterogeneous - Concrete is made up of cement, sand, gravel, and water, which are unevenly distributed. Therefore, it is a heterogeneous mixture.

7. Air: Homogeneous - While air consists of different gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc., they are uniformly mixed and distributed, making air a homogeneous mixture.

8. Oxygen: Homogeneous - Oxygen is a gas and, in its pure form, is uniformly distributed, making it homogeneous.

9. Salt: Homogeneous - Salt is a compound made up of sodium and chloride ions. It forms a crystalline structure, giving it a consistent composition and uniform appearance.

10. Milk: Heterogeneous - Milk is a mixture of water, proteins, fats, lactose, and other components. It has a non-uniform appearance, making it a heterogeneous substance.

To determine whether a substance is homogeneous or heterogeneous, you can analyze its composition, appearance, and if it has a consistent distribution of its components.