solve 3n^2-5n+4/4n^2+7n-1 as n approaches infinity

If your question mean:

lim (3n²-5n+4) / (4n²+7n-1)


Divide numerator and denominator by n²

lim n→∞ (3 n²/n²- 5n/n²+4/n²)/(4n²/n²+7n/n²-1/n²)=

lim n→∞ (3-5/n+4/n²) / (4+7/n-1/n²) =

(Now Quotient Rule)

lim (3-5/n+4/n²)

lim (4+7/n-1/n²)

When n→∞ then:

5 / n →0

4 / n² →0

7 / n →0


1 / n² →0


lim (3-5/n+4/n²)
______________ =

lim (4+7/n-1/n²)

3 + 0 + 0

4 + 0 + 0

3 / 4

lim n→∞ (3n²-5n+4) / (4n²+7n-1) = 3 / 4

To solve the expression (3n^2 - 5n + 4) / (4n^2 + 7n - 1) as n approaches infinity, we need to analyze the highest power of n in both the numerator and denominator.

Looking at the numerator, the highest power of n is n^2. Similarly, in the denominator, the highest power of n is also n^2.

Now, we can simplify the expression by dividing each term by the highest power of n. This process is known as dividing every term by n^2.

(3n^2 - 5n + 4) / (4n^2 + 7n - 1)

= (3 - 5/n + 4/n^2) / (4 + 7/n - 1/n^2)

As n approaches infinity, the terms involving 1/n and 1/n^2 become negligible compared to the other terms.

Therefore, we can disregard these terms and simplify the expression:

(3 - 5/n + 4/n^2) / (4 + 7/n - 1/n^2)

≈ (3 - 0 + 0) / (4 + 0 - 0)

= 3 / 4

So, as n approaches infinity, the value of the expression (3n^2 - 5n + 4) / (4n^2 + 7n - 1) tends towards 3/4.

To solve the expression as n approaches infinity, we need to determine the behavior of the terms with the highest powers of n in the numerator and denominator.

In the given expression:
Numerator: 3n^2 - 5n + 4
Denominator: 4n^2 + 7n - 1

As n approaches infinity, we can ignore the lower power terms and focus on the terms with the highest powers of n.

In the numerator, the highest power term is 3n^2, and in the denominator, the highest power term is 4n^2.

Now, we divide both the numerator and denominator by the highest power of n, which is n^2, to get:
Numerator: 3 - (5/n) + (4/n^2)
Denominator: 4 + (7/n) - (1/n^2)

As n approaches infinity, the terms (5/n) and (7/n) go to zero because any number divided by infinity is essentially zero. The term (4/n^2) and (-1/n^2) also approach zero as n approaches infinity.

Hence, the expression simplifies to:
Numerator: 3
Denominator: 4

Therefore, as n approaches infinity, the expression converges to 3/4.