Does anyone have some good book recommendations? Tell me your thoughts on it and give me a small summary to see if I will enjoy it?

LOTS of good ones out there.

If you need more info about any of them, use

Thanks! If anyone has any others that get to you emotionally or leave an impact on you let me know

One that's not on that list that you should take a look at is First, Do No Harm, by LIsa Belkin. Use Google to learn more.

Of course! I can certainly help you with book recommendations. However, as an AI, I don't possess personal thoughts or emotions. Nevertheless, I can provide you with information about various books and summaries to help you decide if you might enjoy them.

To start, it can be helpful to know your preferences or any specific genres or themes you're interested in. That way, I can tailor my recommendations to your tastes. Do you have any preferences or specific genres in mind?