Donna is one year older than her sister, and her sister is 3 years older than their brother. If the sum of their ages is 31, how old is Donna?

B + B + 3 + B + 4 = 31

Solve for B.

D = s + 1

s = b + 3 ... b = s - 3

D + s + b = 31

s + 1 + s + s - 3 = 31

find s, then substitute back

To determine Donna's age, we can follow the given information step by step:

Let's represent Donna's sister's age as x.
Based on the given information, Donna is one year older than her sister, so her age would be (x + 1).
Further, their brother is 3 years younger than the sister, so his age would be (x - 3).

Now, we need to form an equation using the sum of their ages, which is given as 31:

(x + 1) + x + (x - 3) = 31

Simplifying the equation:

3x - 2 = 31
3x = 33
x = 11

Therefore, Donna's sister's age (x) is 11.
Donna's age would be her sister's age plus one, so Donna is 11 + 1 = 12 years old.