The question is: the table below lists the total cost for parking for a period of time on the street in NYC. The total cost for any time up to and including the hours parked. For example, parking up to and including 1 hour would cost $1.25; for 3.5 hours parking would cost $5.75. Fill in the hours interval part for 1 through 6 hours.

hrs interval totalcost hrs parked
0<x<or equal to 1 $1.25 1
1<x< or equal 2 $2.50 2
2<x< or equal 3 $4.00 3
3<x< or equal 4 $5.75 4
4<x< or equal 5 $7.75 5
5<x< or equal 6 $10 6
now they want a STEP FUNCTION graph that represents the cost for the number of hours parked.

Since I can't draw a graph here I will say on the first one I had an open circle at 1.25 and the a straight line ending with a closed circle at 1. The second a open circle at 2.5 and a straight line with a closed circle at 2. and did this with all 6.
Does this seem correct?
Thank you for checking my work.

You're mentioning the y coordinate for the first end and the x coordinate for the other end, so it's a little confusing.

There should be an open circle at (0,1.25), and a horizontal line from there to (1, 1.25), where we should see a closed circle.

Then an open circle at (1, 2.50), and a horizontal line from there to (2, 2.50), where we should see a closed circle.


yes, that's what I have. Thank you for checking my work!!

No worries.

Yes, your approach seems correct!

To create a step function graph representing the cost for the number of hours parked, you will have horizontal segments (steps) at each interval with the appropriate height corresponding to the total cost.

Based on the given table, the step function graph would look as follows:

$11 10| ___
| \
$9 | \
| \_____
$7 7 | \
| \
$5 | \_____
| \
$3 4 |__________
| 3 |________
$2 | 2 |
1 2 3 4

Each horizontal line represents a different hour interval, and the height of the line corresponds to the total cost for parking during that interval.

Make sure to label the y-axis with the cost values ($1, $2, $3, etc.) and the x-axis with the number of hours (1, 2, 3, etc.) to accurately represent the step function graph.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with.