Janine has 3 3/4 cup of flour. She uses 1/3 of the flour to make pancakes. How many cups of flour did she use??

1 and 1/4

what is the answer?

To calculate how many cups of flour Janine used, we need to multiply the total amount of flour she had by the fraction representing the proportion she used to make pancakes.

First, we need to convert the mixed number 3 3/4 into an improper fraction. To do this, we multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator (4) and add the numerator (3):

3 * 4 + 3 = 12 + 3 = 15

The improper fraction equivalent of 3 3/4 is 15/4.

Next, we multiply the improper fraction 15/4 representing the total amount of flour by the fraction 1/3 representing the proportion used to make pancakes:

(15/4) * (1/3)

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together (15 * 1) and the denominators together (4 * 3):

15 * 1 = 15
4 * 3 = 12

So, (15/4) * (1/3) = 15/12.

Now, we simplify the fraction 15/12. Both 15 and 12 can be divided evenly by 3:

15/3 = 5
12/3 = 4

Therefore, 15/12 simplifies to 5/4.

Therefore, Janine used 5/4 cups of flour to make the pancakes.

(3 3/4)/3 = 1 1/4

Just divide everything by 3