And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

.In this line from the passage, what does the word direct mean?
A) to guide or instruct ***
B) to distract or confuse C) to encourage or build-up
D) to destroy or manipulate

I agree.

thx:)Can you check my other posts? "Ela helllp", Vocab, etc

The word "direct" in this line from the passage means "to guide or instruct."

To determine the meaning of the word "direct" in the given context, we can employ the strategy of using context clues. In this case, we can examine the words around "direct" to gather clues about its meaning.

The sentence states, "And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course." Based on this sentence, we can infer that "direct" means to guide or instruct.

To further confirm this meaning, we can also consider the parallel structure in the sentence. The sentence uses the word "direct" twice, once in the phrase "direct the course of love" and again in the phrase "directs your course." In this context, both instances of "direct" are used in relation to guiding or controlling the path or course of something.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) to guide or instruct.