Can someone help me/check with this work?

1. _______ is the rate of change of position.

2. Which of the following is the difference between speed and velocity?
A. direction*****
D.none of the above

3.A planet is discovered that is the same size as earth and has the same gravitational acceleration but has twice its mass. If you weighed 700 N on earth, how much would you weigh on the new planet?
B. 700N
D. 2,800N

4.every force has a(n)____ force, which is measured in ______.
C.opposite; Newtons*******
D.Accelerating; m/s(to the power of 2)

5. you throw a ball into the air. As the ball leaves your hand, the force(s) acting on the ball are:
B.your hand
D. both gravity and your hand*****

6.which of the following is how force is similar to displacement and velocity?
A.Requires measurement
B.indicates velocity
C.can describe motion****
D. all of the above

7.In every energy transformation, some energy is always "lost" in the form of ______ energy.

8. In a nuclear power plant, nuclear energy is first converted into what type of energy?

9.a generator is a device that produces which type of energy conversion?
A.kenetic to electrical*****
B.electrical to kinetic
C.kinetic to thermal
D.thermal to kinetic

10.a limiting factor for using nuclear energy is the ____ produced.

3. B.700 N. (Your Mass does not change).

But the question talks about weight, not mass

Sure, I can help you with your work! Here are the answers to the questions:

1. The rate of change of position is called A. Speed.

2. The difference between speed and velocity is the A. direction. Speed only represents the magnitude of the motion, while velocity includes both magnitude and direction.

3. If you weighed 700 N on Earth, you would weigh C. 1,400 N on the new planet. Weight is directly proportional to mass and gravitational acceleration.

4. Every force has a(n) C. opposite force, which is measured in Newtons. The opposite force is called the reaction force, according to Newton's third law of motion.

5. As the ball leaves your hand, the force(s) acting on the ball are D. both gravity and your hand. Gravity continuously acts on the ball, and your hand initially imparts a force on the ball to set it in motion.

6. Force is similar to displacement and velocity in that C. it can describe motion. Force, displacement, and velocity are all physical quantities that are used to describe the motion of objects.

7. In every energy transformation, some energy is always "lost" in the form of D. thermal energy. Thermal energy represents the energy lost as heat during energy conversions.

8. In a nuclear power plant, nuclear energy is first converted into C. chemical energy. Nuclear energy is used to produce steam through nuclear reactions, and the steam is then used to turn turbines, which generates electrical energy.

9. A generator is a device that produces A. kinetic to electrical energy conversion. A generator converts mechanical energy (kinetic) into electrical energy using electromagnetic induction.

10. A limiting factor for using nuclear energy is C. waste. Nuclear energy produces radioactive waste that needs to be carefully managed and disposed of to prevent environmental and health hazards.

To check your work, make sure to compare your answers with the provided answers and see if they match!